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So, I am planning on making a Justice League fic based off of Mare of Steel, but I've run into a problem:
I have no idea who to use for Green Lantern or The Flash
Any ideas?

You could use some sort of Wonderbolt as a Lantern, since Hal Jordan was an Air Force test pilot. Just an idea.

Lightning Dust could be Flash, and Lyra could be Green Lantern. Are any other heroes going to show up?

Group Contributor


Well, aside from Rainbow, are there any OTHER mane cast characters that are presently Supers?

Fluttershy for green lantern and flash um I don't. Know pinkie pie she can keep up with dash

861043 I would prefer avioding using the Mane Six (since they'd already know Supermare's identity, and I have plans for both Pinkie and Twilight)
861037 I actually considered that, except with the roles reversed

Not to mention that there are multiple Green Lanterns and and there are multiple Wonderbolts.

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How does them knowing their identity beforehand inherently make them off-limits to being superheroes (heck, Superman and Batman knew who the other were before the Justice League was formed (at least, in the DCAU))?

Having plans for Pinkie and Twilight is a much better reason (not to use those characters, anyways), so you shouldn't have even brought up the first reason.

Also: what the heck is it with writers on this site making fusion superhero fics without the mane cast comprising the majority of said teams? It's like the bait and switch they pulled with the Star Wars holiday special! When I rent a movie with the title: Starwars Holiday special, I EXPECT to see the cast of Star Wars, not some random gaggle of secondary characters with little to no personality outside of a VERY bizarre fandom!

Now, that's not to say that I'm against secondary characters of FiM being heroes per see (or that your take on DC elements in Equestria will prove bad or wrong), but, DAMN IT! If you're going to that, make sure that the mane cast gets the same spotlight they get in the show by making them heroes (PREFERABLY iconic ones) FIRST, then slowly introducing secondary characters as less recognizable ones (MOSTLY) with the possibility for legacy characters and assuming the mantles of the mane cast later on after the mane cast had had a good run! Seeing this honestly makes me want to continue onwards with my own Justice League of Equestria Universe concept for the rest of my life, but since I need money and writing fanfiction doesn't pay the bills, I'm focusing on creating my own original work at the moment so that decades in the future I can come back to this site and make my take on the concept without--too much--fear of the taxman!

Anyways, what's the line-up you've got so far?

As in, would Spike being Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle or Scootaloo being Captain Marvel not fit with what you have planned, or in the league?

Well Barry Allen was described as being "a slow and easy going guy," before becoming the Flash, and the only character within the Mane 6 to really fit that description would be Fluttershy, but even that seems like a stretch.

Since Green Lantern rings are powered by will-power, I can easily see Applejack being that. I'm assuming you've got Batmare (if that's even what you're gonna call her) planned out, which I guess would make more sense for Applejack, so I dunno. Would giving away the rest of the Justice Leagues identities be too spoiler-y?

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If it doesn't contradict with everything, turn Trixie into Zatanna or have her stumble upon the Starheart and become The Sentinel (a.k.a., an alias of the Alan Scott Green Lantern, only here, it would be her real name so as to not get confused with the space-cops).

If you have Fluttershy's mom Barricade (from a couple of awesome fanfics, including my own JLEU and an upcoming one), have her be the Guardian. In case your wondering, Barricade looks exactly Fluttershy of she were older, and taller and stronger than even big mac and is essentially the Demolition Man if he were a Mare.

Would turning Applejack into Wondermare be too much trouble?

861223 I do plan on making Trixie Zatanna (how I'm going to work this in I'm not sure; I'll think of something)

As for why I'm avoiding using the Mane six (Save Rainbow, Pinkie and Twilight (those last two are going to become superheroes, PM me if you want to know which ones))?... Well, I didn't really think about where I could go with that, and I kind of feared that it might just become "My Little Pony, but with superpowers" (probably an irrational fear). I suppose if I sat down long enough and worked it out it might work, but that would involve scrapping several ideas I've already established.

Also, I think My Little Avengers probably influenced a lot of fusion writers into chosing minor characters (just a hypothesis, correct me if I'm wrong)

As for the roster, currently it's the Big Three, Flash and Green Lantern (got to start small), but I may expand it and use different heroes later on

Group Contributor


Damn you My Little Avengers!

What? No Martian Manhunter or Aquamare? The heck's wrong with you!?


IDEA! If you have no clue as to who Dr. Whooves should be, have him be the Martian or, in a twist, assuming you have nothing planned for Zecora (or even if you do), make Zecora the Martian Manhunter!

861389 The Justice League story is still in the works, so I have a little time to adjust the roster as needed

Group Contributor

So...are you asking for Green Lantern and Flash candidates then?

It just sort of occurred to me that in the actual show, Pinkie Pie is often shown to be extraordinarily fast.
While it's obviously intended for comedic purposes, it would make sense for her to be the Flash plus the Flash is often the jokester of the Justice League, so it would fit well.

I guess Twilight would make a pretty good Green Lantern... She's got the smarts for it, and I can see her being chosen as a ring bearer.

Well, let's see here.

I'd suggust a unicorn artist/musician as your green lantern character (Kyle was a more natural and developed character than Hal was, and much less prone to go off half-cocked into a battle in my opinion. That should give you a hint of which GL I think you should base yours on). Lyra would be my first choice, unless you go the golden age route and have her as the daugher of the Mare Of Steel verse golden age GL, then an OC would be much easier to write than random-background pony #12987. However, first you might want to select a Green Lantern to adapt as that might help select who would be your choice for GL. Ask yourself this: do I want to base this fic's GL on Alan Scott, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, or Kyle Rayner.

Same advice for the flash only, chosing Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, or wally West instead. Which version you chose to adapt as the main GL/Flash is just as important as who you chose for those roles.

Group Contributor


^This (except for perhaps that thing about Kyle and Lyra)

How about "Iron Will" as the Green Lantern? He's not Hal Jordan-like in character, but he coud be Guy Gardneresque. He's not always nice, he's really full of himself, but his heart's in the right place. And, ya know, "Iron Will" with a ring powered by willpower...

For the Flash... I agree with the suggestion for Lightning Dust, perhaps. Yeah, mainly because of the lightning thing, which I admit is probably a stupid reason for me (not accusing the original suggester of being stupid), but her tendency to take risks could lead to story possibilities.

And if I may make another suggestion... Future!Spike as Booster Gold. Or, maybe Booster Purple, given his coloration. Access to Future!Twilight could give him access to a time travel spell, and you could do all kinds of things with a Spike who's a couple hundred years old (or a thousand).

Group Contributor


Dude! You're alive! :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

Also, that Iron Will idea: priceless. Simply. Priceless. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Also: yes! Booster Purple! How did I not see it before you brilliant, brilliant, person you! :rainbowderp::rainbowderp::rainbowderp:

Undead, actually. :pinkiesick: I only offer responses only to lure out the living, and then I devour their brains. If I can get the brains e-mailed to me. Durned Internet.

Good to see ya! :pinkiesmile: Yeah, I haven't posted any stories in foreverish. Work and other life stuff has been keeping me busy, and probably will for a while yet. :ajbemused: The story I've been working on of late isn't super-hero related, and fair bit darker than I usually venture with cartoon ponies. :unsuresweetie: Not dark like Derpy finding the Necrocupcakinomicon and trying out the recipes... It's still more in outline form than anything, though. Don't want to clog up iowaforever's thread with my inklings, and it might not be the kind of story you'd enjoy, but send an e-mail if you're curious, or just bored.

Group Admin


For a green lantern, I can see someone like Scootaloo. She faced her fears in Sleepless in Ponyville, and because Green Lantern's are fearless. For Flash, Soarin', Simply because of food. The Flash's high metabolism sort of matches Soarin's love for pie

861022 Okay this may sound like the worst candidate for Green Lantern, but make it Fluttershy. Hear me out on this. Fluttershy is cowardly yes, but on more than one occasion she's shown pretty remarkable willpower and courage. She's stared down a cockatrice, even fighting back the stone stare effect, and a fully grown dragon. Also under Iron Will's training she was pretty much Guy Gardner. So you have two options for making Fluttershy Green Lantern. Number 1 is having the ring choose her when she's showing her often under utilized willpower or when she's going full force with Iron Will's training.

As for The Flash, make it Applejack. She really fits more than Rarity does.

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