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Farewell to two of the best DC comics shows ever made

what do you mean good bye there not over. Are they?

And because I'm recovering from a cold, THIS was the day I slept late and missed them both! Arrgh!
Please spoil at least this much for me, somebody; whatever became of Razer?

789390 He didn't die. Is still a Red Lantern though. However had the series been allowed to progress the rumor was that he becomes a Blue Lantern in Season two, but that's not gonna happen now.

789469 Thanks for sharing that. Sometimes when a show gets cancelled like this they decide to go out with a bang, which can lead to either great or horrible writing.

Heard about this too, and it's so stupid. The DC Nation block already treated the fans horribly with the time they took off and how they pulled the shows, and now this? Not to mention those shows are the only two actual shows on the block other than the shorts.

And what do they replace them with? ANOTHER Batman cartoon, that looks weird and sounds bad from the get go, and a full cartoon based on the Teen Titans short. That second one may not exactly be bad, but was it really necessary to replace those two shows for that, and yet another Batman show? I think Batman's had enough shows for a while. The man must be ready to fall over from exhaustion.

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I agree! Why didn't they show stuff BESIDES those two!? Like, I dunno, the DOZEN or so OTHER DC shows they probably have in their library involving the DC license!? While I'm not exactly opposed to the Batman cartoon or the new Teen Titans one, I really do think DC needs to lay off the Bat for a while and do some diversifying like they did with YJ and Green Lantern if they want to keep up with Marvel (also, because I detest the idea of the psycho crazy fanatical Batman fans out there winning).

I'm STILL waiting for a New Gods/Fourth World animated series! Or Wonder Woman one!

And the thing is? If they had done this to make room for a new Superman cartoon? I'd be more or less okay with it. I mean how many has Supes had? One compared to Batman's 3, now 4 counting Beware the Batman. Superman NEEDS a new cartoon!!!! I mean I'd think they'd be working in a new Superman cartoon anyway with Man of Steel coming out this summer anyway.

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Actually, Batman's had the 90's series, Batman Beyond, THE Batman, and Batman: The Brave and the Bold.

Also, I agree.

791572 Oh yeah. Point still stands.

I think the decision might have been more on Cartoon Netowork's part than DC. But it just stings so much more after what they've done with the block.

And it's not like Batman is bad, or the attention he gets doesn't make some sense. After all, DC stands for Detective Comics. But I really liked GLTAS and YJ too, and there have been so many Batman cartoons over the years...

And this one looks bad. I saw images of a comic preview online. The art design for Batman is modeled after the original look from the Golden Age, but I think it looks ugly. And Alfred is a former spy, but he looks way wrong. He's too muscular, looks more like a standard issue villain henchman than Batman's butler. And the premise says Batman is teaming up with Alfred and Katanna to fight crime.

No offense to Katanna, but it just sounds stupid. Why is he teaming up with her for a whole series? Batman The Brave and the Bold worked because it took an affectionate look at all parts of the DC Universe. This just sounds stupid.

And if DC wanted to keep up with Marvel, they would make a JLA movie. But if they wanted to make it like the Avengers, they'd have reboot the Nolan movies.

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Actually, DC USED to stand for detective comics, now it just stands for...well...DC. That antonym no longer applies to the company.

You do know that Alfred was a former spy in the comics as well, and that's part of the reason why he's so awesome?

I don't think it sounds stupids. I think it's a great opportunity to elevate a lesser known DC character much in the same way Young Justice did with A LOT of lesser known DC characters like Blaqua-Lad (sorry Kaldur, but that was too hard to resist) and to make things different enough to avoid rehashing TOO much like in other series and comics. Then again, I haven't seen how well the show executes that premise, so I can't say for certain. I will say that being in CGI does't raise my hopes much but, then again, I couldn't get past the CG for Green Lantern and everyone said that show was good...

I was talking about in Animation. Believe me, DC has a MUCH better history when it comes to the animation front, but now, I think they're starting to slip and lower themselves to Marvel's present level. Then again, I'm not sure how good this new Batman and Teen Titans show will be, but if it involved Jeph Loeb in any way...

I know Alfred used to be a spy. I was referring more to the way they designed him. It looks wrong. And the concept just sounds weird to me. Although, now that I think about it, I had a similar reaction to Batman the Brave and the Bold when I first heard about it, so maybe it won't be so bad, but I have reservations.

Jeph Loeb? I've heard that name before. Wasn't he the guy that wrote Ultimatum? Is he involved with these shows?

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yes, I'd love a new Superman cartoon, and even a cartoon based off Hawkman, He needs a show himself!

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791572 and filmation cartoons: the new adventures of Batman with Bat-Mite, Adam West and Burt Ward doing the voices of the Dynamic Duo, the Adventures of Batman

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Actually, he's a big whig in Marvel's television at the present. He was a comic book writer for both DC and Marvel and made some great to middling stories for both, wrote a lot of the early (and beat) episodes for Smallville, and is one of the "minds" behind EMH getting replaced by that new show and Ultimate Spider-Man.

Don't hate on him THAT much though. He has made good stuff and I think he just needs a hug. Check out his TV Tropes entry to see what I mean.

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I meant recent stuff from the past twenty or so years.

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Also, because I like to shamelessly plug myself, check out the rewritten first chapter to the Infinity Brigade!


795027 He also gave us Red Hulk, who when Loeb is writing him could kill Superman with one punch and give Darkseid a wedgie

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Yeah...list the feats and link them or they didn't happen there Celestial (unless of course, you're just using hyperbole).

796086 Red Hulk PUNCHED OUT THE FREAKING WATCHER!!!! Also be beat Thor by lifting his hammer, using gravity which is CHEATING, and stole the Silver Surfer's board

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Yeah, but didn't Thor have to save his ass before he got swallowed up by a blackhole once?

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Also, I wasn't aware that, outside of being knowledgeable, the Watcher could take a hit.

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795028 I understand, but at least this new Titans show despite having a chibi look, is in the same continuity as the original Titans show

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