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I've been reminded that Rainbow Dash might not be as likeable as I thought, including that she would have been like Lightning Dust if not for her friends.

But of course, all her Season 8 and 9 episodes except two-parters and The Washouts (a Lightning Dust episode, as if Lightning is just there to make Rainbow look good by comparison) portray her as an arrogant jerk worse than she ever was in Season 1. And of course Season 6 has 28 Pranks Later, though Buckball Season, in which she was much more compassionate, came after.

I'm thinking of ignoring anything Seasons 8 and 9 again, this time for Rainbow Dash. And making a few other arrangements for my headcanon, including ignoring 28 Pranks Later, which I can't as long as Season 9 is canon due to the "Twilight memory" arc mentioning that.

While I would keep the movie of course, I'd ignore To Where and Back Again for reasons that might not sit well with a lot of people who want Chrysalis reformed or otherwise have an aversion to one of my unusual interests, and thus Season 7 as well, as, aside from The Perfect Pear (which can stay due to its significance), the only episodes I really enjoyed were A Royal Problem and Shadow Play. This would then mean the last episode in my headcanon, besides the movie (and The Perfect Pear, which is too significant to leave out), is Top Bolt.

Now, I only saw that episode once. I remember I did enjoy that episode, and that Vapor Trail was pretty cool, and the general premise of the episode. But what I don't remember is whether Rainbow Dash is likeable in that episode or not.

Can someone refresh my memory on this? I've reached the point I feel I can no longer allow myself to like her if I go by Seasons 8 and 9 as canon, and she's always been my favorite pony from Day 1, even if she became tied with Fluttershy. If I have to take this path to keep Dashie the pony I loved and not have her character derailed, what's her last episode in my headcanon like for her?


But of course, all her Season 8 and 9 episodes except two-parters and The Washouts (a Lightning Dust episode, as if Lightning is just there to make Rainbow look good by comparison) portray her as an arrogant jerk worse than she ever was in Season 1.

I don't recall her being portrayed that way at all in seasons 8 and 9.

including ignoring 28 Pranks Later, which I can't as long as Season 9 is canon due to the "Twilight memory" arc mentioning that.

:rainbowhuh: I honestly have no clue what you're talking about here. And I personally really enjoyed "28 Pranks Later."

Can someone refresh my memory on this?

Admittedly, I haven't watched this episode in years, but I recall her being likable in this episode.


I don't recall her being portrayed that way at all in seasons 8 and 9.

2, 4, 6, Greaaat? Non-Compete Clause (which I was ignoring anyway while keeping the rest)?

:rainbowhuh: I honestly have no clue what you're talking about here. And I personally really enjoyed "28 Pranks Later."

There were some "memory" episodes released set between The Ending of the End and The Last Problem, where each of the other Mane 5 talk to Twilight and record memories for her scrapbook or whatever it is. And one of the ones in the Rainbow Dash episode is 28 Pranks Later. (I haven't seen the Pinkie one but I hear the first memory is Twilight killing all the Pinkie clones)

And the primary issue I have with 28 Pranks Later is what Rainbow did to Fluttershy, which was really mean. (Not to mention Pinkie finding it funny when she, the Element of Laughter, should know not to do pranks that the pony on the other end of it wouldn't find funny and be able to recognize this, especially that Fluttershy didn't find it funny, and she told Rainbow never to prank Fluttershy due to her sensitivity and this being perhaps the worst type of prank you could do to her)

Admittedly, I haven't watched this episode in years, but I recall her being likable in this episode.


Good to know. I'll probably get there on my rewatch soon enough but sounds like that episode was better to her than most of Seasons 8 and 9.

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7465232 You've got to remember that, in general, Dash is a very good pony whose various flaws generally stem from some form of insecurity. When her insecurities aren't driving her to overcompensate, or flail around in a sort of blind panic, she's generally pretty competent, direct, and responsible. This is what we see in episodes like Hurricane Fluttershy, The Last Roundup, and, yes, Top Bolt.

In this scenario Rainbow doesn't have any of her usual baggage holding her back, and so is a lot more able to focus on other pony's problems. She offers solutions and is also open to listening to Twilight's ideas as well. She also shows a keener understanding of other ponies than we might initially expect from her. In general she shows herself to be a fairly direct, competent, and insightful.

Basically, when baggage isn't holding her back, Rainbow in general is pretty okay. Even in 28 Pranks Later, frankly, after she starts thinking that ponies are seriously in danger, she steps up remarkably quickly, making strong decisions like putting the younger ponies first, acting quickly, and so on. When she's at her most incoherent, there's usually an angle of her either overcompensating, projecting, or struggling with insecurity (which get displayed respectively in Newbie Dash, May the Best Pet Win, and Sonic Rainboom, to reference a classic s1 ep).


There were some "memory" episodes released set between The Ending of the End and The Last Problem, where each of the other Mane 5 talk to Twilight and record memories for her scrapbook or whatever it is. And one of the ones in the Rainbow Dash episode is 28 Pranks Later. (I haven't seen the Pinkie one but I hear the first memory is Twilight killing all the Pinkie clones)

Ah, yes, now I remember.

And the primary issue I have with 28 Pranks Later is what Rainbow did to Fluttershy, which was really mean. (Not to mention Pinkie finding it funny when she, the Element of Laughter, should know not to do pranks that the pony on the other end of it wouldn't find funny and be able to recognize this, especially that Fluttershy didn't find it funny, and she told Rainbow never to prank Fluttershy due to her sensitivity and this being perhaps the worst type of prank you could do to her)

I always saw that as being understandable on both Rainbow and Pinkie's parts. Fluttershy had grown so much from her season one portrayal by that point. Rainbow Dash obviously thought Fluttershy could handle it. And even then, Fluttershy isn't as much scared as she is annoyed.

Those episodes were Seasons 2 and 6 though. And the fact that Rainbow has episodes like Hurricane Fluttershy and The Last Roundup as early as Season 2, and two back to back episodes showing this side of her in Season 3 (even if one of them is a Lightning Dust episode, it at least shows a stark contrast between the two in terms of endangering other ponies and she was even willing to give up her dream of being a wonderbolt when she thought that kind of recklessness gets rewarded there), shows that she is a very good pony who isn't perfect, however she was in Fall Weather Friends (which I always find enjoyable despite this and she did learn from it, though Non-Compete Clause disregards this and has her regress to Lightning Dust levels but I'd ignore that episode anyway) or The Mysterious Mare Do Well.


And even then, Fluttershy isn't as much scared as she is annoyed.

But she was tearing up and hyperventilating, and Rainbow didn't stop finding it funny when she saw that Fluttershy couldn't handle it, even scared her a second time if I recall. I can't believe I'm saying this but it would've been better if they'd just started with the whoopee cushion prank during a meeting about something else, and then Rainbow misinterpreted the words of putting more thought into her pranks, since Applejack called this a "joke shortcut". As unfunny as the others except Pinkie found it, and as much as it implies something I didn't want canon in MLP (which I was prepared for at this point), it's at least tamer than what she did to Fluttershy, and would be more in character for her.

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And the fact that Rainbow has episodes like Hurricane Fluttershy and The Last Roundup as early as Season 2, and two back to back episodes showing this side of her in Season 3 (even if one of them is a Lightning Dust episode, it at least shows a stark contrast between the two in terms of endangering other ponies and she was even willing to give up her dream of being a wonderbolt when she thought that kind of recklessness gets rewarded there), shows that she is a very good pony who isn't perfect, however she was in Fall Weather Friends (which I always find enjoyable despite this and she did learn from it, though Non-Compete Clause disregards this and has her regress to Lightning Dust levels but I'd ignore that episode anyway) or The Mysterious Mare Do Well.

Could you do me a solid and split that into maybe, like, at least three sentences? I'm not sure what your exact point is.

Those episodes were Seasons 2 and 6 though.

Yes, and? It still paints a consistent picture of insecurities getting in her way.

She was portrayed better in Seasons 1-6 (except 28 Pranks Later, The Mysterious Mare Do Well, and Fall Weather Friends) than in Seasons 8 and 9. In most of those seasons she is a pony I feel I can love and have as my favorite pony alongside Fluttershy.

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7465465 Sure if you say so, but Top Bolt was also in season 6, so I'm not sure what that's got to do with her behaviour in Top Bolt.


and two back to back episodes showing this side of her in Season 3 (even if one of them is a Lightning Dust episode, it at least shows a stark contrast between the two in terms of endangering other ponies and she was even willing to give up her dream of being a wonderbolt when she thought that kind of recklessness gets rewarded there)

Her best character moment, if not one of the best moments in the entire show, bar none.

I can't believe I'm saying this but it would've been better if they'd just started with the whoopee cushion prank during a meeting about something else, and then Rainbow misinterpreted the words of putting more thought into her pranks, since Applejack called this a "joke shortcut". As unfunny as the others except Pinkie found it, and as much as it implies something I didn't want canon in MLP (which I was prepared for at this point), it's at least tamer than what she did to Fluttershy, and would be more in character for her.

True, but I still don't find the opening nearly as bothersome as you did. At the very least they took a crucial flaw with "The Mysterious Mare Do Well" and corrected it.


She was portrayed better in Seasons 1-6 (except 28 Pranks Later, The Mysterious Mare Do Well, and Fall Weather Friends) than in Seasons 8 and 9.

Aside from the episodes you mentioned earlier, I didn't have a problem with Rainbow Dash's character in those seasons. One of her best episodes comes from season 9, in fact ("Common Ground").

It more relates to my potential decision to ignore 8 and 9, and TWABA and S7 along with it. Top Bolt would be last episode before the movie in this case, cept The Perfect Pear.

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7465510 K whatever fam.

Anyway she's fine in Top Bolt. Kind of understated compared to her usual fare but pretty chill nonetheless. I dig it.

Group Admin

I think your title question was answered very well by
7465282 so no need to repeat that. Basically, she was portrayed pretty well.

I can't say I follow the rest of what you're trying to ask. I think you're seeking help from others on a way to structure your headcanon? You seem to want to exclude entire seasons (which is fine; it's your headcanon). But the issue you're running into is that means excluding some good episodes?

Sounds to me like you should just rewatch the show. If you like an episode, write down that episode name. If you don't like an episode, write that down on a "bad list" or something?

You can include or exclude whatever you want in your headcanon. You could even take an episode you don't like, but keep one scene or one little detail you like. You could take an episode you like but exclude one little bit you don't like.

It's your headcanon. You can build it however you like, and no one else can do it for you.

Maybe I should return to rewatching it. Stranger Than Fan Fiction would be next on my list, but I'll only rewatch the episodes that are either fun or significant or both. I did a blog on the whole subject, and I already have a list of episodes I would ignore either way, like Non-Compete Clause.

I MIGHT rewatch some Young Six or Season 9 villain episodes to try to help with my decision.

And thank you.

As a rainbow haired horse. Probably flapping her hooves around n shit.

S6 was pretty bad but this wasn't one of those. She was fine in this episode

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