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Think Dash ever visits her parents when she needs an ego boost?

Also, did anyone else find the conflict very relatable? My mom's not quite like Windy Whistles, but she is close. (My stepfather, on the other hand, is basically King Sombra. Were they TRYING to give me a personality disorder?)

Actually I think the problem is that they came up with her parents(season 7) well after the episodes where she would have wanted an ego boost from them(at which point they hadn't considered her parents or thought of them differently) but obviously didn't do so making an inconsistency. Her parents seem to be an afterthought that didn't fit with the earlier episodes.

I honestly kind of doubt it, given how she seemed embarrassed by their antics when she was a filly or an adult mare.

The major takeaway I wound up with from that episode was it was nothing less than a miracle that Rainbow Dash grew up in that household and managed to be as (reasonably XD) well-adjusted and self-sufficient as she was.

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7361050 Short answer: probably not?

Longer answer: It doesn't make sense (to me) for her to be that embarrassed by her parents and keep secrets about her success from them whilst simultaneously getting ego boosts from them (which would, at least to my low-IQ brain, imply her telling them what she succeeded at to get that sweet, sweet positive attention). I could see her pop by when she was feeling down, but considering that throughout most of the show Rainbow goes through pretty much a big success story with regards to her career, it would have to be fairly early on or in response to something non-career related (Tank's hibernation, perhaps?).

Whilst her parents behaviour is problematic, I think it's worth taking it in the context of Rainbow's (mostly implied but sometimes not) childhood. It's brought up on several occasions that Rainbow was bullied, or didn't fit in, which also contextualises her attention-seeking and insecure behaviour throughout the show. From that perspective we get an explanation for Rainbow's parents trying to boost her ego as encouragement, but this is a side-note and doesn't really make their behaviour in the present less problematic in my eyes. But that's an aside.

It seems reasonable to imagine her visiting her parents, but I get the vibe that increasingly until we as viewers get introduced to them that this would have become a more uncomfortable affair, as their coddling would probably feel infantilising to an adult Rainbow, patronising, and increasingly unnecessary. But that's my reading.

I honestly wish they'd made Dash's parents less crazy for a more reasonable conflict. They can still be super-enthusiastic, but it could be a gradual build-up.

7361114 I have to agree. They way overdid it on the "amazingly embarrassing parents" angle. And they even at times made Bow and Windy kind of creepy (what other parents would keep the diaper their child was in when they spoke their first words or the apple they bit into when they lost their first tooth?).

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7361114 Like with a lot of things in the show you sometimes have to deal with it being a bit flanderised and cartoonised. It doesn't generally lend itself well to the more adult readings of the episodes, so you sometimes just have to shrug off some of it away when it gets too much. In this instance it doesn't really take away from the more adult interpretations (unlike in some other instances, the conflict still exists and works, it's just saddled with some overblown stuff), but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't grating.

If it's of any small comfort, there is a reason for it. Many episodes tend to feature two interpretations for different levels of audience; a simplistic way of seeing it is one is for children and the other is for the parents of the child stuck in the room with them (or us, the adult fandom). In this instance, the low level one is from a child's perspective; dealing with overly embarrassing parents. The less casual one is generally the one that fits in with the more nuanced concepts the show puts forward; Rainbow's bullied past, dealing with insecurities from a parent's perspective, and so on. Sometimes these two fit very nicely next to each other but in other instances, not.

As an adult I wouldn't have minded toning it down a bit, but this is the universe I inhabit I suppose.


Omg, kinda true..

My mom’s not even close to Windy. She does have embarrasing baby pics of me, (my uncle’s are funnier tho. He was dressed as a girl in one of them lol) but she’s not much help when it comes to personal issues. And she certainly doesn’t advertise me with them. Thank goodness.

My Dad, is as you put it, King Sombra. He too isn’t much help with personal issues, and I become a ping-pong ball when it comes to questions lol. He also pushes me past my limits. How in Equestria, or on earth am I supposed to memorise 40 memory verses for a stupid pointless contest that I bet nobody at my school takes seriously except the adults.

I’d definitely prefer Rainbow’s parents over mine. Luckily I’m not the one falling into trash cans.

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