Spike Fanfictions 2,963 members · 5,612 stories
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I couldn't help but notice Spike dim down a little, but I would have some ideas to bring the stories back, if anyone is willing to listen. I, myself, have two stories that are basically starting, so I hope to give a few of you the spur to write.

Spike/Old Man Spike: In a future where Logan (movie) and Old Man Logan (comic) meet, I believe Spike could take this role. He is old, taking care of Twilight, and is Humanized in this story. He has the metal claws that erupt from his knuckles, shaped like dragon claws. Basically, gangs and evil run Equestria once Luna and Celestia disappear, and twenty years have passed. Spike is an adult, not old or anything, looking like an older teen or someone in their twenties. He then has to care of a "hatchling", his cloned son. They travel through Equestria to get away from the gangs, having heard that they seek the young boy as well. I planned that he freed Celestia and Luna and they retake Equestria and such, but you guys could have whatever ending you want.

Smoke and Mail: In this story, I thought about having a Humanized Derpy and human "child" Spike (The quotations being that he looks like a young teenager but he is 18) date and such. Since I do not see many of those two out there, I feel like It's be a fresh start. The story would definitely be teen or...mature, for those who want to write a clop.

Godzilla: I feel like we could have a Legendary universe mixed with MLP. Spike could be Gojira 2014, the bear looking one, MUTO could be themselves, and ponies would fill the shoes, such as the Doctor being Twilight Sparkle, ect. I know someone made it, but he disappeared, so perhaps someone else could have a shot at it?

Kidnapped: Third Humanized thing, perhaps a "dragoness" kidnaps Spike and keeps him as a prize or mate. Spike would obviously be smaller, but find out that this tough woman is a big softie for him, cuddling and acting motherly (despite the affections she shows). Story would definitely be a mature, a clop.

Any other ideas are welcome, just pitching.


I honestly like the idea of the last one. Spike could always use a little lovin'. :moustache:

I like 'Smoke and Mail' and the 'Kidnapped' ones. If I wrote the 'Kidnapped' one I wouldn't really have it as a Mature/Clop fic, I'd probably just write it in a way that Spike eventually starts seeing this older dragoness as his mother since he hasn't really been shown having one before.

5873565 5873570 Glad to see I got some people. I would love to write these, especially the Logan story with Spike myself, but I am just too busy.

5873570 Oh, I actually planned for it to be teen, but I realized that it was too similar to the one story where a dragoness kidnaps Spike and keeps him away from ponies, thinking them as thieves. So, I thought more of a...mature lady keeping a younger male to flaunt as a prize type of deal.

I'm always up for more Godzilla stories :pinkiehappy:

like NVC and Sky Charmer, I like the "kidnapped" story, and more personally, I vehemently support your attempt to reinvigorate the Spike Story Genre (if you can call it that) , where I LOVE reading Stories about the drake, and have written down a plethora of ideas for stories almost exclusively starring him... but I don't want to deluge the thread with more than 150 ideas solely derived from me, some of which are long enough to be posted as stories, so I'll just leave the eight I currently want written most:

In an anthropomorphic universe, where Spike is of legal age and appears to be in his early 20, of which he will remain for many decades due to his draconic blood, he's finally been rejected by rarity, and decides to take some time off in his home town, relaxing and trying to take his mind off the situation back home, when all of a sudden he encounters a mare in trouble, and, after he saves her, she offers him some intern work at her studio, where when he goes, he's shown the glorious backside of the modeling industry, where he encounters an accident that results in him losing his shirt and be gawked at by many of the photographers and models, to which right then and there he goes from a lowly intern to a high-grade model (not unlike Fluttershy was) in but a matter of seconds, and with his background of royal treatment and cool head, he's a natural in their eyes, allowing him the opportunity to leave his old life behind... but does he really want that? Sure he might see them from time to time, and Celestia's still most certainly his mother, but what does he really have to go back to, other than slaving under the boot of his loving caretaker? And how will they react to him in his new spotlight?

Unbeknownst to anyone (even himself) Spike isn't really a dragon, for when his actual mother was laying his egg, she imbued her magic into the unborn child (as per her species's tradition/evolutionary adaptation) to mimic a dragon's body up until maturity (leaving the nest) and it isn't until Twilight tells him that she believes he's gotten old enough to start taking care of himself (even though he's been taking care of the two of them for years) whereas when he's been living by himself for a few days, he suddenly changes to that of a draconequus. Obviously panicking, the girls and the princess quickly go to Discord to try and answer the glaringly obvious questions, where he actually revealed that he guessed that might've been the case, but brushed it off because it was only legend in their species for a mother to actually, successfully, implant their egg into a dragon's nest, as it has been their way to raise their young since the beginning, even explaining why they're such a mix-match of parts: because they had to be nearly every species, and the stronger the species they lay their eggs with, the stronger their offspring would become... but now there're only two... and perhaps Discord wasn't granted or gained the chaos ability by means of a personal choice, but by the fact that his species is the representation/outlet of the natural chaos magic in the world, which naturally spread itself into every draconequus evenly, and Discord believed that he had complete control over all of it until it was revealed that Spike was also a draconequus, and as Twilight asked Discord about the chaos magic, after accepting that the magic he drew his powers from was only half of its full potential, he said that yes, Spike is technically as powerful as he is, but he won't be able to access the power for some time, since it's a natural defense against such strong energies to only allow the hatchlings little bits at a time until they can fully control it... and, of course, when twilight does try to help teach him about magic, the chaos is so... chaotic that it practically blows up in her face multiple times, leading her to basically beg Discord to help, of which he was waiting, but more debating if he should, since it was typical for a draconequus to learn on their own

A long, long time ago, deep in the furthest reaches of even the oldest beings' memories, lived forms of dragons that could control the elements by their will. It is said that the dragons of earth could move entire mountains by a sheer glance, the dragons of water could rage a tsunami with a single glare, the dragons of air could unleash a tornadic fury with but a single muscle, and that a dragon dragon of fire could scorch the lands so fiercely that not even immortals could survive... and it does seem that some of this is true, because unbeknownst to the celestial ruler, the very egg that she found on her most fruitful journey had, in fact, been the egg of the very last dragon of fire. In his teenage years, Spike learns that he can shape his fire to his will, control its motions without touching it, and extinguish it by simply willing out, not knowing that no other dragon could do such things, learning to form weapons (like swords, spears, maces, flails, etc.) with quicker and quicker ease, all with so little weight that they practically stayed in place if he should let go, pushing him further and further into his martial arts training when he wasn't working. (I wrote some extra stuff here)

Spike's in Tartarus for a crime he never committed, but unbeknownst to anyone, he isn't as trapped as everyone thinks he is, for as he's stayed within the confines of his cell, he's been growing powerful with his breath, so much so that it's not a matter of IF he can escape, but a matter of what he's do WHEN he escapes (I've actually basically written the first full page of the story here, but after that page, it's just notes about what I COULD have him do/talk about)

the other 4 are here

5873925 I really like the first one and second to last one, personally.

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