Spike Fanfictions 2,963 members · 5,612 stories
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A 3-to-1 Up/Down vote ratio? Here's further proof that the whole rating system needs to be abandoned and the Popularity Index on the site be based on Faves alone.

Twilight has finally had the talk with Spike, and it's been quite some time since he's opened up. But when Spike starts carrying around a Rarity doll, it is clear that Spike hasn't let go of his crush on Rarity quite yet, and he may need another talking to. But Twilight doesn't know about how much thinking the little dragon has been doing since then. Or just how much Spike values Rarity's attention, and how badly he wants to keep his love for her. Because even if it's just a plushie, to him, it's all he has left in the world. And he doesn't want to let it go.

This fic is far, far, far better than the vote ratio implies. At its heart is a story dealing with how Spike's crush on Rarity is really emblematic of how he sees himself in relation to the world around him. When Twilight tells him that it can never be between him and Rarity, he constructs the plush that we saw in the season opener. When Twilight confronts him about that... well, Spike's larger concerns become evident.

The narrative is crisp and moves fluidly. The conflict builds steadily and forcibly; like watching a Mack truck slide along an icy parking lot towards a Hyundai Accent. The ending is a little rushed, but it ends on a sweet note that will leave you whimpering happily. I can only recommend this story for those who know that Spike's crush on Rarity is a regular part of being a kid, and that a childhood crush is a natural part of life... and that trying to end one before the child grows out of it can only lead to tears.

You know, like all adults know...

You know most stories get more faves than likes but who are we to complain? I definatly have more faves than likes for all my stories.

Group Admin

Well... while I gave it a thumbs up, I do think the ending is a bit unsatisfying. Unsatisfying enough that it might garner some downvotes. While the concept (Spike is feeling insecure and unloved, someone comes in and assures him he is) is sound, it always feels like Spike actually has at least a few real problems (lack of friends his age, lack of impact on his social group, a position that leads people to dismiss him often) and those are his real problems, far beyond having an unrequited crush, and any ending that just says "But we really do care" seems a little unsatisfying to me.

But, it's a delicate thing, I admit, and perhaps I am being too sensitive.

About the general issue, though...

I do notice that pretty darn well written Spike stories hit the top of the box pretty consistently. You might've noticed that, Very Popular Spike Author :raritywink: An Old Coot, starring Spike in one of the better interpretations of his future (save for the whole astranged from Celestia thing) was way up at the top of the ratings list for a little while, and is pretty far away from loser stalker doormat Spike. Although it also reveres Twilight, so that part doesn't apply.

I do think, though, that at very least those are some problems with some things broadly on Fimfic. Especially, the most vocal Spike haters treat him as a loser and with contempt, and use the attitude that Spike fans unreasonably think that Twilight/the Mane 6 screw up in their treatment of Spike (supported by the fact that they can't imagine that Spike might sympathetically feel left out, because they don't want to see any more of him) as ammo against them.

Group Admin

Oh! And:

I think... Spike's crush on Rarity might warrant interference, if one of two things become true.

One is that it becomes sorta... pathological. It's one thing for Spike to pine for Rarity and be heartbroken afterward, get some kind words from Twilight at that point and advice if he comes to her for it. It's another for him to become obsessed about it or start really tearing himself apart over it.

The second one is more controversial: Rarity taking advantage of Spike's feelings. Obviously, from the viewer's perspective, Spike goes out of his way to help Rarity pretty often, and this appears to be, from us, the viewer's, perspective, pretty much entirely because he has a crush on her.

For the most part this is acceptable. Spike goes out and helps Rarity, Rarity is unusually kind to Spike, but doesn't really give him as much as he gives her. But Spike is a helpful guy, and it's reasonable that he might enjoy helping for it's own sake enough that even a snack for an hour of help is perfectly acceptable.

But... there's definitely a line where Rarity could be taking advantage of Spike's feelings unfairly, and out of a lack of respect for him. I think in show there is only one time it dips into this: during Simple Ways, and all the other cases are either accidental, reasonable, or her doing it for what is actually a good reason, like convincing Spike to help them distract Twilight in Castle, Sweet Castle.

However, if it gets more exaggerated, or more incidents like Simple Ways happen, that's definitely a case to interfere.

Although that could be accomplished by asking Rarity to shape up, rather than telling her to break Spike's heart.

But... I guess in conclusion, the show doesn't have the evidence that Twilight would need to interfere with Spike and Rarity in a way other than advising Spike gently.

4636019 :raritystarry: You gave me a shout-out on a thread in a group? Oh, wow. I just don't know what to say. Thank you so much! I realize now that this is what's been helping pull my story out of the mud.

I'm so grateful for this. Thank you! And thanks to all of you for reading! :pinkiehappy:

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