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Is there a canon/fanon name for Scoots’ father? In the fic I’m currently writing he is somewhat of a former professional scooter rider. Any ideas for his name?

Well, if you wanted a sufficiently punny name, perhaps something involving the words "Wasp" or "Stinger".

Seriously, think about it. What's the most famous brand of scooter in the world? The Vespa, which is Italian for 'Wasp'.

Why not just Scooter Rider?
Straight to the point and, more importantly, still catchy.

As far as I know, there is no canon name for either of Scootaloo's parents, since we don't know who they are or what they look like. And I do not accept the whole Scootaloo's an orphan explanation for canon, since multiple times they have hinted in the show that she has a family, the biggest give away was in Flight to the Finish when they showed the house she lived in.

As far as personal head canon/fanon names go, I haven't really heard of one for Scootaloo's dad. Mabye try "Rapid Wheels", I don't know, I can't really think of anything Scooter related.

I have an elaborate headcanon for her parents: Wild Oats and Granola. They own the windmill/grain-mill at the edge of town and a few aches of farm where they grow mostly oats. Most their money comes from milling grain for the other farms, and also selling their own brand of sweet grain blend. (sweet feed, if you've been around houses.)

Her mother, Wild Oats, is a earth pony who inherited the farm, and it's windmill, from her parents. Her mark is singing, but she feels tied to the land and enjoys it anyway. Her father, Granola, is a pegasus with a mark for wind mills(though, he's pretty good at playing the guitar). A hippy and a bit of a airhead, he kept hanging around the only windmill in town, and eventually Oats decided to keep him.

Also, your idea of Scootaloo's dad being a scooter rider, that could be a good explanation of why we don't see him. He's so busy going to so many Scooter competitions, he doesn't have time to see his daughter, and her mother may be busy trying to, I don't know, teach young fliers. Perhaps she's one of the flight school teachers, and can't have Scootaloo come to flight school because she would be blamed for favoritism when teaching her.

> your mother is a flight school teacher
> would not teach you how to fly
I'm not even sure that my version is more sad =))

Also, “Rapid Wheels” sounds good.

what about Burnout? Not sure how you'd do it on a scooter, but it sounds cool at least.

In my Fan fic story, "A Pop Star, a Princess, and a Prisoner", Scootaloo's father's name is Storm Dasher, and use to be the weather control manager in Ponyvile with his wife, Firefly, until she died, and he quite his job, and Rainbow Dash took over.

Professional scooter rider, huh? Like a racer or a stunt pony or a delivery pony? We're not talking motorised scooters, are we?

If it's a racer, Horshumacher, or Horsh for short, possibly Lance, after Lance Armstrong, the cyclist. The other two... the convention for stunt bikers is to name them after Evil Knievil, not sure how you'd ponify that. A delivery pony, you can be clever with and call him Nyder. "Neither rain nor sleet nor snow," I think the saying was. It's also a homophone for a nitrogen-rich rock if I'm remembering correctly, something you can make gunpowder out of. So you'd have room to add in elements of explosiveness for that, either bursts of speed or short temper.

If you want to go the easier route, you can always just say Scootaloo was named after her father. 'Loo' maybe being short for 'Louise.' At that point, the problem is reduced to finding a good suffix: Scootamerx, Scootador, Scootaneil. Scottador is pretty close to Contador, but you might have to give him an accent, then.

What was your version of Scootaloo's mother?

don’t want to spoil here.

Ah, well, I don't mind spoilers. PM me. I'm too curious.

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