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If you haven't already seen the ep you should, but at the end do you think scootaloo eluded to not having parents or just not supportive parents?

I was thinking more abusive parents maybe

5938323 The quote was quite vague on saying if she does or does not have parents but I am going to say she did but they abandoned her.


I think the way the line was phrased was intended to have audience interpretation. If she does have parents, they are not present at all and that could speak for itself. Anything's possible, and I feel the way it was handled was pretty awesome.

5938329 i can see it

5938332 abandoning her doesn't quite fit what i imaged would suit the show

5938348 yeah, the fact they got any kind of mention is awesome

5938323 In the spirit of the show she most likely has passive parents that don't support her enough.

In the spirit of the fandom expect lots of people to see it as confirmation that her parents are either dead or cruel.

5938358 Yeah, it does sound dark from the shows perspective but for some reason my thought process came to the conclusion and was like; "Yeah, that seems about right."

5938364 i'm in support of cruel parents

5938368 i can see that

5938323 Its definitely worth considering either way.

What were her exact words?

5938323 I can her just not having very supportive parents, I never gave up believing she has parents, the mention of them is awesome, now I can just hope we get to see them, the whole they aren't very supportive fits, her character a little.

I'm thinking parents like Helga's from "Hey Arnold" would be suitable. Not absent or abusive but apathetic or more concerned with a sibling that outshines her.

5938424 Huh I cant help but agree with you abit.

5938323 I'm of the opinion that she does have parents, but that they're neglectful, mostly because they aren't around for whatever reason.

5938323 I think that quote just means Scootaloo doesn't think her parents give her nearly the same amount of support that she would like. I think they do care for her and are nice parents, they just don't always seem to realize their parenting methods aren't what their daughter needs.

If Scootaloo's parents were dead, then I feel her reaction would be more Batmanish, "My parents are dead!"

If her parents were abusive... again, you'd think her reaction would be stronger.

The motivation behind her words was that Rainbow's parents are super supportive. Something Scootaloo wishes she had. Not because her parents are abusive or dead, but because they're different. It was an emotional scene for her, but not that emotional.

Of course, fans will try to pump it up as much as they can, milk it as hard as they can, and generally demonstrate how utterly stupid they are and not worth reading/listening to though.

5938656 I was going to comment, but you beat me to it. Agreed entirely.

Wait wait wait wait wait

What episode was this? Are you talking like the 7th episode, or?

5939139 Yeah, they're talking about the 7th episode.

5938323 I think it's more that Scootaloo's parents just don't give her praise for her accomplishments, but do look after her like most parents do. They just don't try to motivate her like Rainbow's parents did. That's why sge thought she wasn't gonna be good at a lot of stuff because she wasn't motivated to try and achieve such dreams. I don't think it's cause they passed away or are cruel. Just not role model type parents.

scootaloo: you know some ponies would dream of having parents like that
RD: yeah right, name one
Scootaloo: *sigh* me, growing up i never thought i'd be the best at anything because no pony ever told me

5938419 this is very true

5938424 you know what, i came up with that same exact idea, that scootaloo has a sibling

5938488 yeah, i hope that's the answer to be honest

5938639 this works well

5938656 true, but at the same time an orphan would have something of that reaction wouldn't they if they had a headmother looking after them? though i guess that doesn't fit with the whole house thing

That does sound an awful lot like an allusion to Scoota-Orphan being canon. Hmm....

5939488 It does seem like background details, especially for secondary characters, are slow to be established. Continuity and world building in general seem to be afterthoughts for the show.

Haven't seen the episode itself yet, because I prefer to bingewatch, but if what I'm hearing is true... then there's always a chance it's mainly a setting up for a future episode. Could be she gets a family episode later down the line, could be she's being set up to get unofficially adopted by Rainbow's parents, making the two more like sisters.

But in general, keep in mind that there's a show staff, not just a single writer, and that the rule of thumb is to use slash and burn tactics: introduce something new, but rather than expand on it, make it disappear as soon as possible and milk something else instead.

Scootaloo's family situation may just be another Red X thing: the show could just end before we get a concrete answer.

5939670 i sounds like it's getting there

5939850 that'd be really screwed up, but i'll be honest i didn't know if the show would last this long

She obviously has parents, afterall ponies don't just pop out of holes in the ground nor do they just let children live alone, they are just apparently mostly absent.

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