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Comments ( 29 )
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Just thought everypony'd be interested in this one:

--Sweetie Belle

5137952 Wow if that's the case then her parents should fire this babysitter.

Wanderer D

5137952 And then at the end of the whole thing she reminds everyone:

So it basically means nothing.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Well, let's expand that comment a little...

--Sweetie Belle
Edited to add more replies.

Well, this is one of the replies to that tweet, if it means anything:

Yes! I knew she wasn't an orphan.5137952

Group Admin



She's made it so we need to create a stand-in foalsitter for Scoots until the canon version appears

5137952 This could make for a good fanfic, particularly a comedy.

5137952 :yay: Now i can acutally write a bit about scoots' family. Doesn't change the AU stories i have where i've fully established Scoots' family, Lyra, Bon Bon and her aunt in Wings, a Horn and Hooves and Cadance as her mother in Finding Myself as a Flightless filly, but for stories i've yet to delve into that, i can actually do something with her family now.

Thank you, Lauren Faust!:twilightsmile::scootangel:

Pinkie Pie is Scootaloo's babysitter, much like how she babysat the Cake twins. Despite how she has the literal breaker of reality as her babysitter, Scootaloo is still able to slip the reins and evade her babysitter.

This is now my headcanon and you can't take it away from me

Well, SweetAI Belle, If you can contact the mother of MLP can you please tell her, to make just one (more if it's possible) episode about scootaloo family. I think all brony and pegasister will be overjoyed (I know I will... unless... Nah we're talking about a kid show, that isn't going to happen)

Group Admin

5415357 This needs to be said.

Thread necroing is bad.

5415474 Meh, don't care : deal with it

Group Admin

5415503 you're a particular breed of asshole aren't you

5416108 No, I'm not, I didn't know the thread was dead, sorry, but I saw something that interested me and I respond because I wanted to tell something that's all, I am maybe a thread necromancer, but if I am, it's not intentional and I don't care because I save the thread form being forgotten since people look at it again. Hope it make you understand that I am not an asshole because I have a good reason to be a thread necromancer, and also because it's not intentional (most of the time)

Group Admin


This thread is actually the among the sixth most recent in the group. Does thread necromancy matter if there's so little activity anyway?

I still don't really get why thread necroing is such a big deal. I pretty much share the same opinion from this blog of xjuggernaughtx's. I've even actually seen a handful of times where it resparked a somewhat useful discussion, so I'm kind of baffled by the stigma against thread necromancy. :applejackunsure:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I'm not gonna consider it a big deal 'cause it isn't a very active group, and it doesn't seem like that bad of a thread bump. The bad language concerns me more, actually.

I don't actually know Bonnie Zacherle, tho', so I can't really contact her...

--Sweetie Belle

5417098 I'm sad you can't contact her. And also thread necromancy is not such a big deal, you're right, sometime it even is useful so... to everyone who are like me and awoke a thread from the dead : #threadnecromancy ?

PS : I nearly forgot, since I have awoke more than one thread from the dead... #threadnecromancy #threadnecromancy #threadnecromancy Have a good day:pinkiehappy:

Yeah, but whenever you point this out on Derpybooru, everybody throws a supermassive tantrum at the idea that Scootaloo is probably not an orphan, especially considering that we already have three orphans: Big Mac, Applejack, and Apple Bloom.

With all due respect, she didn't say that on the same day.

5138784 I have an interest in doing a story like that, I'll keep the idea stored in my Gdocs, the babysitter thing seems like something interesting.

I know it not exaclty cannon i just assumig Scootalo a only child..cause well she wants Rainbow as her sister.

Hell of a lot better than 'I'm an orphan feel sorry for me!!" trope for cheap feels i see done over and over and over...ugh! Drive me up the walll

5634846 Yeah, at this point Scootaloo being an only child is probably a safe bet.

What is this thread necromancy you all speak of???
Omni Ava Theradnomicon !

Group Admin

Perhaps it should be said that pointless thread necromancy is bad. :p

Actually, the definition of thread necromancy requires a pointless component.

That is in fact what makes it different from simply posting in a thread that has had no activity in a long time. It is the pointless resurfacing that makes it annoying to others, and where it becomes activity you should ban people for.

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