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so which is a good class for the main six

a warrior
a mage
a paladin
a hunter
a rogue
a priest
a death knight
a shaman
a warlock
a monk
a druid
a demon hunter

what do you guy thank?

When legion is coming out soon I add new class here.

I only have made a Rainbow Dash character in WoW. She is a shaman and possibly either a enhancement or elemental class spec. She could also be a paladin or warrior. Twilight should be a mage or warlock. Applejack as a hunter maybe a worgen hunter due to it's starting pet being a dog. Pinkie warrior maybe? Fluttershy either a restoration shaman or a druid. Rarity as a priest.

I would say:

Twilight as a mage

Fluttershy as a druid

Applejack as a warrior

Pinkie Pie as a rogue/death knight

Rarity as a priest

Rainbow Dash as a paladin.

I'd go:

Twilight as a mage

Fluttershy as a hunter (BM spec) if not a druid

Applejack as either a warrior or paladin

Rarity as a rogue

Pinky pie as a priest

Rainbow as a monk

Twilight - Mage (THAT WAS A HARD ONE)

Fluttershy - Druid (connection with the wild, being able to be more 'one' with nature would appeal to her)

Applejack - Warrior (Her loyalty is first to her friends and the farm, so I can't imagine her dedicating her life to the Light like most flavours of Paladin would have to, especially Alliance leaning ones. Which is what Equestria would be, because there's no possible way they would mesh with a group of murderous barbarians or treacherous fiends.)

Pinkie Pie - Monk (Mostly because of the MoP trailer where Chen is dodging around two trained Alliance/Horde soldiers like they are amateurs)

Rarity - Priest (The Light approves of generosity!)

Rainbow Dash - Rogue (IMO, tends to be to impatient to be a Paladin or Monk, and would best take advantage of the agility that comes with being a Rogue)

No one has mentioned a shaman besides me?

4092362 Rainbow Dash as a monk shows her to be more leaning to the Huojin side that joined the Horde. Students of Huojin are shown to be impatient.

4093603 Even Huojin requires inner focus and concentrated training that I don't think Rainbow Dash would be willing to commit to. Her goal is to be a Wonderbolt, which is a stunt flying team/military organization. The cloesest analogue would be something that relies on speed and tricks, which a Rogue is a good fit for.

True but even the Wonderbolts do need some kind of concentrated training. I still think of her most as an enhancement shaman. Especially since she can just run into foes and beat them to a pulp.

Besides she did teach Apple Bloom some martial arts in Call of the Cutie.

I pulled some of my choices from Azeroth skies, where the author made Fluttershy a hunter (only spec I can see for her is BM), Pinky a priest (laughter is the best medicine, so it could work), and rarity a rogue (subtlety/infiltration being her preference). Keep in mind that fic has Dash as a paladin BUT she has issues with the meditiation, as such it might be hard to find an exact class for the mane 6 but best would be closeest match. Agility wise monk and rogue fit dash, but she is not exactly subtle nor the kind I think would be an assassin yet she does seem to be among those that would protect her friends or deliver powerful blows.

As far as Applejack and dedicating herself to the light? I am not sure if paladins have to dedicate themselves to the light as much as believe they are doing the right thing, in addition honesty is still one of the pillars of being a paladin. Faction wise, I';d see more a split like the pandaren and the tauren being the ones the equestrians that joined the horde would relate most to

Maybe in some cases, it might be like they focus more on one aspect yet it is their element or something that gives them access to other class abilities, liek with AJ she would be more a warrior based paladin but her element of honesty gives her some lesser light based powers.

Maybe the better question would be what class and spec would be good for the mane 6.

Twi: mage
A.J: shaman
rarity: priest with tailoring
fluttershy: druid
rd: rouge
pinkie: hunter
just had to mention this SWETTIEBELL WOULD BE A WARLOCK

One notable fanfic i read had the following line up.

Twilight- Mage
Applejack- Warrior
Rainbow Dash- Paladin
Rarity- Priest
Pinkie Pie- Shaman
Fluttershy- Druid

4096951 Why do you think Pinkie Pie as Shaman?

because she gets to party with spirits without going to brewfest.

oh...I sorry but what?

Just a couple things before I name some off:
- You could make Paladin work for any of them, depending on how you look at it.
- Lock/DK just doesn't seem to fit any of them, no matter how you stretch it (unless you decide to go the Pinkamena route).

Twilight: Mage (Arcane)
Rarity: Priest, Rogue
Fluttershy: Druid, Hunter (BM)
Rainbow Dash: Monk (WW)
Applejack: Paladin (Prot), Warrior
Pinkie Pie: Rogue

Twilight's is self-explanatory. Arcane magic (at least in WoW) is seen as the basis for all magic (aside from Divine magic).

Rarity's generosity could be a Light-worthy quality, but Priest feels like it would fit more than Paladin. Although, Rogue would work as an infiltrator/spy, and she's good at getting people to do what she wants.

Fluttershy's thing is animals, so a Druid makes the most sense. A BM Hunter could work since it's more focused on the pet aspect of Hunters than the other Marks/Survival.

Windwalker Monk makes the most sense for Rainbow Dash. She's fast, mobile, knows martial arts, and loves cider.

Applejack would be the group's tank, and I think Paladin suits her the most. I could see Warrior if you don't wanna focus on the Light aspect of Paladins.

And finally, Pinkie Pie as a Rogue. She gets to be stealthy, tricky, and disappear and reappear wherever she wants.

Why is AJ a shaman? If she could be any casting class then it would be restoration druid. Since they use nature spells to heal. Jerry Peet came up with a new one for Rainbow Dash, one that not even I thought of, as a feral druid.

4358819 applejack would be a shaman because both earth ponies and shamans have a deep connection to the earth and other elements

Ah true...

But which spec? Elemental, Enhancement or Restoration?

4358878 never thought of that part I guess elemental
I love how no one is questioning warlock Sweetiebelle

Twilight - mage: very obvious, and given most unicorns magic would fall under "arcane" (i think so anyways), and she is the element of magic (literal and figureative), its the only choice.

Fluttershy - druid: As I said in another post, fluttershy is a healer at heart, and given that the only other animal related class is dps only, druid is the best option for this(fluttertree). And for times when she lets out that inner fire, she can turn into a giant butter colored bear, which maybe more adorable then scary, but still:twilightsheepish:

Rarity - priest: I think this idea is almost as pervasive as twi as a mage or dru shy, but it fits. As a clothie, she would be able to make her own clothes, which would thrill her to no end I'm sure. and much like priests, while Rarity might not seem dangerous at first glance, she is not to be trifled with, much like priests. And(while not one myself and I can't believe I'm making this arguement:facehoof:), for those that are fans of the "mistress" rarity motif, warlocks, which might be a decent other option, are naturally "naughty" so there's no real thrill from my perspective. Priests however, are (usually) assumed to be good, nice and pure, so...:trixieshiftright: I have also seen her as a rogue in a fic, and while the gossip and information gathering factor would fit her well, the lack of "cloth", the melee factor of the class, and that, unlike rogues, priest, if they are anything like in the real world, would be expected and believed to be good and able to keep secrets, which may be more appealing to her inner gossip.

Pinkie Pie - hunter: This one was tricky. Her ability to appear and disappear would make for an excellent rogue, but that won't fit in my story(check my blog page). I have also seen her as everything from a warlock and mage in fanart, a shaman in the fic My Little Warcraft right here on fimfiction and a priest in an EQG Poe fic here called Azeroth's Skies, and even a dk(it was a cupcakes tribute pic with dash as a ghoul) and a demon hunter complete with the blindfold and blades of azzinoth. I rather like the idea in my little warcraft though, were she would make friends with the spirits and her elementals, so with that in mid, why not become a hunter who can have 50 tamed friends and countless wild ones. This might not be the best reasoning, but I thought of a seen for my fic, where it makes sense for her to become a hunter, and , I can say that no one else has done this combo.

Rainbow Dash - warrior: I realize a lot of people think paladin would be a good class for dash, but I disagree. Paladin's are bound to a strict code, the tenant of which is HONESTY, not LOYALTY(check it out on wowwiki). I believe that dash would be much more likely to violate these terms then, say, AJ would, because of her hotheadedness, her ability to deceive and lie, and jumping forward into a situation, and perhaps doing something that would cause the light to leave her until she redeems herself, which could be fatal in battle. For these reason, I believe warrior is more appropriate, as she can still jump in a swing a sword around like a madmare, which might be encouraged depending on her spec, without the same consequences as doing so as a warrior of the light.

Applejack - paladin/monk: As sated above, I feel with her honest and helpful nature, paladin would be perfect for AJ. Paladin's also make one of the better tank classes (in my opinion), and because there will be no dk's in my fic (at the start), and her inclination to throw herself in front of her friends to protect or defend them, this also speaks to the paladin code, and is yet another reason I think she would make a good paladin. However, do to the time in which my fic takes place, I also thought a monk would be an interesting idea for her. Purportedly, she is a skilled drinker, and with her skills of barehand...hoof... fighting, a monk might also make a good choice for her.

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