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Until now, I haven't seen any MLP & Fall Guys crossover.

What other franchises don't have a crossover with our ponies yet?

well theres one that im going to make for a (dark bloody but anime style) game called Mary Skelter

That's an interesting choice, altough it's the first time I hear about the subject.

Cool. And what is it about? No intentions to spoil your work.

This game called Grounded.

I was hoping for zootopia yoshi stand alone

warhammer age of sigmar

I haven’t seen any crossovers with Avatar yet (I’m referring to the god-tier James Cameron franchise, not the anime that stole the name).

This would be so cool.

Skaven in Equestria would cause more chaos than Discord ever could.

Ok, leaving the relative qualities of the two Avatars aside, it’s pretty rich to say Nickelodeon “stole” the name, when J.C. himself CLEARLY stole the name of his planet from Borderlands:

First of all, Pandora is a moon in Avatar, not a planet. Second, the term ‘Pandora’ actually first originated from Greek/Roman Mythology. This is the inspiration that James Cameron took for his world as the gas giant that the Pandora moon orbits is called Polyphemus. This is in reference to the fact that many planetary bodies and moons in our Solar System are named after figures in ancient mythology. I doubt J.C even thought about Borderlands when creating Avatar. Let’s not even get into the fact that argument doesn’t make any sense. Cameron wrote the first script treatment for Avatar all the way back in 1994 and he even had the idea for the movie long before that. Borderlands was developed in 2005, long after Cameron had his sights set on making his dream project.

You don’t have to make things up just because I pointed out a fact. I’m not saying Nickelodeon stole the name intentionally or out of malice, just that they did. Avatar is a James Cameron project. It was his idea. The fact that ‘Avatar Studios’ exists doesn’t sit right with me. The simple solution would just to be to change the name of the ATLA brand to ‘The Last Airbender.’ The 2010 film did that, even though it was bad, and it worked. Change the name of ‘Avatar Studios’ to ‘Airbender Studios’ or ‘FireNation Studios’ (or something else related to the universe) and we’re golden. In my eyes, there’s only one Avatar franchise and that’s Cameron’s, even if ATLA itself is awesome as well.

Trese comics

Bendy and the ink machine or lego ninjago I would love to see it

'Avatar' is a word that goes as far back as 1800 from, I believe Hinduism, which means a deity taking form or a divine teacher, which makes perfect sense for a reincarnating spirit like Aang/Korra. I never watched it, but isn't Cameron's take of the word more in the videogame sense, where one takes an identity on a physical appearance level? In either case, I know the word 'Avatar' was used all the way back in 1997. Never did I expect a Horn Reaper to fall by such a beast.

Civilization? With Celestia, Ember or Chrysalis as leaders.

Fascinating, I didn’t know that. Thanks for sharing!

Has Sailor Moon been used yet?

There's been some Sailor Moon fics, but not many.

Well in my story that takes place after the ending of the third game of Mary Skelter, three girls was left for dead from there battle with the heros and was wished away thanks to a powerful object and wound up in Equestria hurt and dieing in new forms so Twilight (after visiting Celestia) found them and took pity on the three girls who are now in the bodies of little fillies and sorta adopted them but there past wasn't the only thing that followed and now Equestria will have to deal with a couple of Living Jails, Nightmares, and monsters with the three girls of Massacre Pink

For an "Anthro" universe, I think it'd be neat to crossover with an obscure 90s cartoon: Wild West C.O.W.Boys of Moo Mesa.

Appaloosa (and by extension the Apple Family) is introduced to Marshall Moo Montana, the Dakota Dude and Cowlorado Kid.

I’m not sure where you got that 1800 date (the Wikipedia page for the Hinduism version of Avatar basically has it be as far back as Hinduism itself), but otherwise thanks for all of that.

…WOW, you really got serious about what was clearly a joke - if you watched the video I linked, the point was about Brock and Ash roasting Claptrap for Borderlands’ Pandora having the same name as J.C.’s Pandora, and Claptrap getting annoyed and emphasizing his Pandora came first - if you want to get mad at “making something up”, blame whoever wrote that joke originally, as I was just quoting it.

The point I was making was the same one Amereep makes later, I.E. the word “Avatar” has been around a lot longer than 2009 (EDIT: and longer than 1994, since you emphasized that being the year Avatar was conceived - but regardless), and the most likely explanation is J.C. and Nickelodeon coming across the name for their respective franchises for their own reasons unrelated to each other, the same way Gearbox and J.C. almost certainly came to the name of Pandora for the names of their settings for unrelated reasons (since, y’know, neither can really claim copyright on the whole Pandora’s Box myth that’s the root of that word)

Since that’s the case, I’m sorry for accusing you. That was not my place and I sincerely and wholeheartedly apologize. It’s hard to tell whether someone is making a joke online unless it’s obvious and I’m not the best at reading into posts and picking out the joke in them, I’ll admit. I’m just extremely passionate about Avatar as a franchise and I never really liked the fact that Nickelodeon (whether intentionally or not) took the name of James Cameron’s masterpiece and basically slapped it on to their own show. Normally I wouldn’t harp on these things as movies or shows unintentionally share titles all the time, but ATLA is what many people commonly associate the title Avatar with and that just gets me angry as J.C’s dream project deserves so much more love than it currently gets in my opinion. It’s not enough that both films have cracked over 2 billion. The fact that franchises like Star Wars get to have such a vocal and passionate fanbase and Avatar’s fandom is mostly quiet and in the shadows just makes me sad. Because these movies should absolutely get to stand alongside the other iconic franchises out there. I know the Star Wars fandom gets a lot of flack for being racist and sexist sometimes (and rightfully so), but I’d honestly prefer that kind of passion with this franchise than quiet discussion about it being so easily swept under the rug once the next big thing comes out and it just gets me depressed. I discovered the franchise back in September during the Avatar re-release and I’ve never looked back since. James Cameron’s franchise is Avatar. The Last Airbender show isn’t. I love the show and there’s a reason why it’s so iconic, but it does not deserve to bear the Avatar name (despite avatars being an actual thing in universe) as much as James Cameron’s passion projects do. It stole Avatar’s pop culture spotlight plain and simple, and as much as I enjoy the show, I can’t forgive it for that. That’s also the reason why I hopped in here too because I genuinely have not seen a single MLP crossover story with it, despite it being the most ripe for storytelling on this site and I wanted to point out the injustice in that. Imagine finally putting together and creating the movie you’ve been dreaming about for decades and then it gets forgotten about because a television series created a couple years back eclipsed it in the pop culture zeitgeist. You’d be devastated!!!

But again, you are right about no one being able to claim copyright over the terms. And it was not my place to accuse you of making up stuff when you were obviously making a joke. I was high on my emotions and I apologize sincerely.

My Little Pony A New Generation Elder Scrolls Crossover?

Maglam Lord.


No one STOLE it, it's a word that's existed for HUNDREDS OF YEARS!!! It's like trying to claim the movie "Smile" stole the title from the Charlie Chaplain song "Smile". IT'S A WORD!!!

I said they stole the TITLE Avatar. Not the word Avatar.

you cant really steal a title thats a regular word, and even then i dont even think he publically revealed it until they actually began filming it around 2005, long after ATLA was in and out of pre-production.


That’s actually not the case. He wrote the first script treatment for Avatar in 1994 and it was under that name. The film was originally scheduled for a 1997 release before James Cameron realized early on in the production process that technology had not yet caught up with his vision. So he waited.

yes, but he hadn't revealed it publicly by then. i dont remember hearing about it at all back then.

7827090 How would they steal the title? Like I said, it's a WORD. A word whose definition fits with what the Avatar is.

Also, can you PROVE that the Nick producers even knew Cameron was going to come out with the movie in 2009.... given that THEIR show AIRED IN 2005, and began development in 2001?

Also, neither 'Avatar' franchise has ANYTHING even tangentially-related to each other plot-wise. So declaring one 'stole' from the other is simply nonsense.

The Project Moon universe

The Boys.

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