Struggling Authors 3,680 members · 25,267 stories
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I can't write more than one chapter in many months I urgently need help I need a collaborator

Why exactly can't you write more than one chapter? How will having a collaborator help? What's in it for a person potentially interested?

in 3 months I was able to write only 1000 words All the co-authors who helped me left me I urgently need a co-author who will help me in some way I really want to write this story But no one helps me .

But why can't you write more on your own? How does having a co-author help?

Why did your previous co-authors leave? Were they unwilling to work? Or did they get handed more work than they initially thought? Were they merely co-writing or writing the majority without you?

By your description, brief though it is, I am inclined to believe that you foisted work upon them that exceeded what they thought they were getting into.

And more than that, you still haven't answered what exactly working with you entails.

they wrote separately they need to be described by one and because I wrote poorly they left me I want some co-author with whom I will discuss ideas for the plot of my stories .

To be honest, it sounds like you don't want a co-author, you want an author. You're looking for someone who does all the real work of actual writing while you do the fun part of imagining up the story.

What I'd suggest you really need is to put in the effort to become a better writer yourself.

Yes you really Tell the truth I need an author myself I can't write anything very Difficult

Вот ты упрямый в самом деле, братан! Мыж с тобой уже говорили на эту тему! Ты че какой действительно наивный? Как ты думаешь, найдется придурок, которой захочет выполнять твои капризы, и при этом делая это бесплатно? А тем более сейчас такой мировой кризис идет во всю. Ты точно с этой планеты?

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