Struggling Authors 3,680 members · 25,267 stories
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I’m having trouble deciding which of my ongoing stories I should focus on right now.

Two of them, Twisted Magic and Twisted Magic: Black have been on hiatus for awhile now; I needed to take a break, but now, I want to resume writing them, but my muse just isn’t there.

The third is a currently-unpublished WIP that’s been demanding my attention and muse, but it currently only has 2 chapters (the longer of them is currently between 1,000 & 2,000 words long), and I’m already struggling to finish them.

All three of these stories are multi-chapter affairs whose premises mean that they’re going to get fairly lengthy (>50,000 words).

The last time I had multiple multi-chapter stories published at once, I burned myself out and went on hiatus for over 2 years. My question is, should I try to focus on the published stories and wait until they’re finished to work toward publishing the WIP? Should I just work on whatever captures my attention the most at any time? Should I do something else?

7669051 No need to hurry. The fandom is already dead, it won't get deader.

Still, you might want to try taking on smaller projects or downscaling your bigger ones.

Which one is further along? I'd probably go with that one first, then maybe focus on your third project. It's not a bad idea to maybe work on things in smaller chunks and take breaks so you don't burn yourself out.

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