Struggling Authors 3,680 members · 25,267 stories
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I'm working hard on reworking an older story concept and fleshing it out into something that's more well-rounded and developed. This uses a handful of older chapters from one of my other stories, but they've been reworked a ton and the story itself is really a reboot at this point which is why I've split it into its own thing separate from what was there before. The reason why I decided to do this was because there was a lot of potential in exploring how the characters are trying to carve out their own path in life rather than try to just fit into what other people expect them to do and be. I'm getting really close to the end of the story, but still have a future in mind for them, and right now I'm really in need of feedback.

Specific things I'm looking to get insight on are:

  • How does the story read/feel so far?
  • Are the characters enjoyable?
  • Is there something I should maybe focus more on or less on that would help the story?
  • Is the story itself enjoyable or not worth reading?

The story has 12 likes and 0 dislikes at the moment so it seems like it's enjoyable enough for people, but viewership has generally been low and I haven't been able to get any comments on it yet, no matter where I look for it and who I ask. Any feedback on this story would be very appreciated, and would really mean a lot to me. Writing's a passion of mine and I'm just trying my best to grow and learn with my projects, but I haven't been able to get any feedback on this whatsoever and it makes me question whether it's enjoyable to read or whether it's just boring.

EFinding Your Place With the Outcasts
The story of three ponies who find their place in the world while finding themselves.
TikiBat · 66k words  ·  21  3 · 411 views

Generally speaking stories without manesix characters or ponies close to them don't get many views. OC characters' stories are hard to work with especially when they are on their own. The likes for the story mean that it is a good story with likable characters so far. But without some involvement of ponies from the show. Many readers will overlook the story (because they want to read about their favorite ponies). That is why you have to be careful about who your target audience is. The audience for OC. stories without main ponies in them is small. But that doesn't mean it is impossible. Take this story for example:yay: Affliction of the heart. This story focuses solely on OCs but has some characters from the show taking minor roles in it. But this is all that it takes for people to consider reading the story.

Along with this, many readers hold their comments until something truly unique to the story occurs. Don't be discouraged if no one makes a comment on your story. It could be that they have nothing to say for they are waiting to see what happens next.:twilightblush: I have made over 12 different stories with many likes and dislikes but barely have any comments at all. It happens don't worry about it. After all, we are doing this for fun. If it is not fun anymore then something went wrong.

I hope this helps. Take care.:pinkiesmile:

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