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I have been thinking recently about the fourth wall. We all know the basic idea of the fourth wall on a sitcom there are the three wall seen by the audience . the fourth wall taken out both for the television viewers convenience and for the cameras and studio audience that provides the laugh track . Breaking the fourth wall is of course when an actor or someone onstage purposely or not purposely looks or
interacts with something they're not supposed to such as an audience member or boom MIC.

Now that that explanations is out of way let's think more about what this is become The small social phenomenon as the fourth wall applies to just about every TV show and movie we've seen thus far some refusing to break It at all well others playfully open up the door .

My question however is at what point is breaking the wall fourth wall too much or going too far. The character we've all come to know and love as pinky pie has somehow manage to jump out into my living room without disappointing me and for this let me explain.

A long time ago I watched a show called Camp Laszlo. The show was a cartoon with no real plot lines story morals or anything really significant. For all purposes it was just a kid show at least to me. However I did quite like the show and a entertained me as was its purpose. At first when they broke the fourth wall and actually made me feel as if I was more in the show than ever being part of the show myself in a new character even if it was for a few seconds.

However this small high was then betrayed as rather than quickly patching back up the fourth wall over a series of many episodes they began removing it. Frequently and even more frequently they began flat out stating that this is simply a stupid show often in the form of of making the comments of name-lees background characters. The most insulting was an episode that hinged on the fact that background characters normally do not get any attention these episodes rather than making me feel special in part of the show Made me even as a young child feel stupid.

Maybe this can be attributed to my growing up but nonetheless I saw was chauffeured even more of what was a stupid cartoon with no plot line morals were writing. Was this because the show in it of its self was stupid or because they lost the power to pull me into their universe by destroying that fourth wall separating us.

When I look at my little pony I'm amazed somehow pinky seems to be always able to not only travel through the fourth wall but never damage it at least in my mind. Whenever the wall breaking is done everything goes back to the exact way it was. I'm quickly pulled back into the show and have somehow stayed on the high up being acknowledged without experiencing the low of realizing it's just a cartoon.

In my stories that I write I really can't break the fourth wall. Or maybe I'm just too afraid of the negative aftermath that could occur should I do it wrong.

Basically Where do we draw the line ? Where is the fourth wall .

97425 Breaking the fourth wall is directly addressing the readers.

974259 Don't over do it and don't do it unless it is funny and fits in the story.

I think subtle fourth fall breaking is fun, I watched camp lazlo and never liked it because of the no plot and the fact it didn't feel funny the writers tried to hard, and was based too much on idiocy... but mlp is kinda the opposite of that, almost no characters are flat out act dumb, so Pinkies subtle fourth wall breaks feel just funny but not Dora the explorer level madness ...

The fourth wall is not broken, Pinkie Pie just has the ability to go through it.

974547 hmmm.... my thoughts as well.

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