Struggling Authors 3,680 members · 25,267 stories
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My story, The Phoenix ( has been on hiatus for quite some time and I'm trying to figure out how I can post the unfinished chapter 6. I already have the ending but i have no way of figuring out how to get there. IF anyone would like to make suggestions, I can PM you what I have; this isn't self-promotion, I'm just trying to get help.

967699 Ehh, doesn't seem like my cup of tea. Wish I could have been more help.

If you want to improve your storytelling, learn how to complete chapters by yourself. Only seek help if and when the story is a collaboration to begin with. If you're talking about a story you started, then you ask someone to help you finish even a single chapter, then it becomes their story too, and down the line, things might not go as you may want them to. :ajbemused:

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