Struggling Authors 3,680 members · 25,267 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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There should be some sort of limit to the number of folders that you can submit a story into. I mean, I like knowing when a new story is added and all, but still.

~ MurderOfAKiller

4 is too many. I'd say 2.

Yeah, but technically they're all grouped in the same Feed group, and most stories have 3-4 appropriate tags. As long as it's all grouped appropriately, it shouldn't be a problem. My own story that I uploaded here appropriately fit in 3 of the folders.

Unfortunately with those of other groups as well. I just don't like seeing the same exact title a lot of times in one notification.

I agree that it's annoying... Unfortunately, with the way they set up the groups, it's pretty unavoidable. :fluttercry:

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