FlutterDash 2,597 members · 1,424 stories
Comments ( 23 )
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Group Admin

I can't resist a video game reference.

Alright so, if you've been around the forums recently, you may have noticed my thread about wanting to make this group a bit more of a community. Well after a month and a bit of writing around, the mod team graciously stepped in and I now have admin powers.

What does this mean? Right now, nothing. I'm going to sort out in my mind what I can realistically do with the group for the immediate future, and then I'm going to post my plans on the forums in as short order as entirely possible.

After that the work begins. I believe we can build something here, and I'm going to do what it takes to give us the best chance of evolving into something more. And I'm hoping you'll help me with that.

Only way is upwards.


Group Admin

First thing's first: Get a banner image.

Group Contributor

Great, so you got an answer. :yay:
Some things that could be done:
- Customizing (new banner etc.)
- Tidying up the stories (delete non Flutterdash, not existing) maybe make up a Folder-structure for better sorting
- promote authors to contributor-status (although I´m not sure what this implies)

Group Admin


All very much items on the agenda. Especially the banner, if anyone wants to do some legwork or has any specific images in mind, I'd be grateful for input.

Group Contributor

What would there bo to note regarding copyright and author credits?
edit: I "revived" the old Flutterdash-banner (is still on the fimfiction server), this is merely temporal and more intended as test.

Group Admin


I think it's only fair that once we select a banner image, we notify the creator/ask their permission.

Same goes for any other images we use on the group page.

Group Admin

Someone's going to need to edit that image first. I'm going to go dark while I write up a to-do list post.

Site Owner

Too much? :V :fluttershyouch::rainbowwild:

Group Admin


Just a little bit :rainbowwild:.

I'd like to keep the main page as family friendly as possible. If the underlying image was a little bit less suggestive that would be brilliant and even if you're adverse to the idea, we could use that logo dearly and lovingly. Brilliant.

Oh and thanks. Wouldn't be having this discussion if you hadn't given the go-ahead. So thank you.

Site Owner


Better? Gotta have them at least making out man ;_;

edit: Also, high res logo image!

Group Admin


That's utterly brilliant.

Making out's fine, that's what we're all here for. Chains and leather might scare the faint-hearted off.

i love this community already :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


Can I ask a favour?

If it's not too much trouble could you mock up a version of the banner without the 3D effect on the logo? After a bit of time and distance, I think it might look better. Thanks.

Edit: Oops, the current banner I mean. Thanks again.

Site Owner


I prefer it with but, it's your group not mine :rainbowwild:

Group Admin


Thanks again, I never anticipated this kind flat out running start, so my mind has been playing catch up for the pat couple of hours. I might put it to a vote but for now I'm liking the flat version.

643513 So far so good then. I look forward to this becoming more, as Flutterdash is the best.

You have my full support. :yay::heart::rainbowwild:

My fave banner is the kissy one, which is currently in use :yay:

Group Contributor

Ok my version:

And the cleaned up logo:

On this topic of banners, is there any way we can have one of these nice banners be used all over the site. I do not like my lack of Flutterdash options :<

Group Contributor

668343 If you are using firefox you can :rainbowlaugh:

(still has room for the features box, since its the original old banner still on the FimFic server)

669015 I am. Please tell me how to do this :D

Group Contributor

669018 Ok,
Type 'about:support' in the adress bar
klick on Profile folder -> show folder
in the folder that opens go into the chrome folder and locate user 'content.css' (if there is none copy and rename 'userContent-example.css')
add the following lines to that file

@-moz-document url-prefix(http://www.fimfiction.net/) {
div.header a.home_link {
background-image: url("http://www.fimfiction-static.net/images/custom_banners/flutterdash.jpg")!important;
background-size: 161% !important;
} }

save file
restart Firefox

for other images just change the link, but either the resolution has to match or you can try to adjust the 'background-size' value

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