FlutterDash 2,597 members · 1,424 stories
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Sage of the Leaf
Group Admin

So it's been almost 5 years now since the first Equestria Girls movie premiered. And I remember that for quite some time, a large part of the fandom held a particular dislike for any content that contained humans instead of ponies. Does that still matter to any of you? Honestly, I've always preferred the Equestria Girls characters to the pony characters.

i like human versions, just not the EqG version of them.

I've got no qualms about it. To be honest, I see it easier to picture FlutterDash with the EQG counterparts than with the ponies. What can I say? I'm more familiar with human pairings. That doesn't mean I haven't abandoned Pony!FlutterDash, though.

yes, which is why I’ve never watched any of the EQG

6365618 I am still not fond of Humans instead of ponies, but I am fine with Equestria girls, as those people are definitely not human. I have yet to meet a purple skinned person, or see a school that would let someone who blows up part of it come back. That is way too forgiven to be on Earth. :pinkiehappy:

Dalek Saxon
Group Admin


If there’s one thing people fear more than anything it’s change. Then eventually they either stop caring or accep it then move on. This has happened in almost every fandom I can think of to varying degrees. Anything new or different will always “ruin the franchise” to them. They complain and fume for months at times before calming down.

There’s always holdouts of course that either blindly hate whatever it is because they won’t accept it (I still know a few that hate alicorn twilight) or because they’re so resistant they deny it regardless of quality. There’s some that hate it for more legitimate reasons which is better than the holdouts.

Me myself I don’t care either way I’m fine with whatever as long as it’s good to some degree. So far the Equestrian Girls series hasn’t given me anything to like. Admittedly I haven’t seen anything past the second movie so that might change if I watch more. I just have no interest and more importantly no time at the moment. I will say that no matter what I will despise the character designs. They always came off as lazy and cheap that they all had the same body type save a few. That and the skin tones matching their pony counterparts but that I stopped caring about so it’s whatever now. Same goes with Flash Sentry, just don’t care anymore.

Other than that I have nothing further to add. I don’t really care about it. I’m not a hater nor a supporter. If others like it then that’s fine and I’d they hate it I hope they hate it for legitimate reasons instead of “they aren’t ponies.” Either way it’s going to continue regardless.

That’s all I got, have a nice day.

Sage of the Leaf
Group Admin

I agree with you 110%


You got me there. I can understand that.

So I suppose that means you don't read anything with the Equestria Girls tag?

Dalek Saxon
Group Admin


I haven’t had much time to read much of anything lately. But no it doesn’t matter to me what tags a story has I will read it (unless it’s clop inwhich case I don’t read it) and hope that it’s good. As I said I’m overall indifferent to the Equestrian girls spinoff which means I’m not inclined to pursue or avoid. What matters most right now is how to spend my meager free time and so my priorities are shifted elsewhere at the moment. So the tags or genre doesn’t put me off it’s just if I have enough free time to spend on reading it.

As far as fanfiction goes, I'm okay with all three, but pony > human > EQG

So I guess I have to be that one guy that still really doesn't like the concept of Equestria Girls four years down the line.

Though, part of it is an adversion to change I will freely admit that. In honesty, the show has pony in the title and is the most unique aspect of it. I never really understood why you would want to forsake what makes it most unique. There are plenty of shows with humans or humanoid high schoolers.. feels like they just wanted to chase market trends even if it makes the "My Little Pony" title come across like false advertising to the casual consumer.

I'm afraid it's another "I don't like it because it's not ponies argument" but hopefully it has more substance than "I hate it because it's different." Like, it wouldn't be such a big deal if it made sense to me.

I've never liked the concept of ponies being Humanized or even Anthro, even to Equestria Girls standards. Nowadays, if something is going to be human related with MLP, I prefer they use the Equestria Girls style. One way that I like to look at it is, Equestria Girls is an entirely separate show from MLP. I haven't watched much of it, and I can't say that I hate it, but I much rather prefer the Equestria Girls style than any other sort of Humanized or Anthro style.

And I REALLY don't get why so many people hate the Equestria Girls style over the regular Humanized style. It's a cartoon. What do people expect them to look like?

Ok, two cents, this sounds like 'trukk not munky' from Transformers but anyways...

It's given I prefer the OG pony forms, though I like the EqG version mainly because I can see how the art style of the show translates to human form, but their skins being not flesh-colored is what I don't like. (Then again, I take several liberties with their clothes, like, say, Flutters wears one of Dashie's 'Bolts team jackets, while Dash secretly has a locket with Flutters' pic in it, ok I'm getting ahead of myself)

Basically for me, it translates the best. Barring the skin hues and the apparel the EqG versions wear (hey, let me take liberties hahahaha)

Honestly; I didn't really like EG at all at first, but then the main series started to dive a bit for me, since it stopped being about the M6 and some side characters and started to be about Starlight and her friends, and now it's going to be about a school and even more "important" characters, so EG doesn't seem so bad anymore. Now it's a fresh start with new adventures and situations for the M6, and Sunset is way more interesting than Starlight. Anyways, I'm not saying that EG was ever necessarily bad; just compared to the main series it was, or amazing; cause it has its flaws; "ponying up" is my biggest one, but it has potential and has stayed true to the main cast so far.

Sage of the Leaf
Group Admin

This is incredibly late, but:

"Then again, I take several liberties with their clothes, like, say, Flutters wears one of Dashie's 'Bolts team jackets, while Dash secretly has a locket with Flutters' pic in it, ok I'm getting ahead of myself"

Getting ahead of yourself? No sir. Actually, I really love that idea. I might use that in a story in the future, if you don't have a problem with that.

Oh yeah, it's gotten some fresh stuff. I think most people had issues with the "pony up", particularly because there was no explanation for it.

Yes please I assure you that my heart will melt if you do UwU

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