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Spoilers for episode 7, so if you haven't seen it, don't read below.

So, Rainbow's parents were apparently the biggest cheerleaders for Rainbow Dash back in her filly days. Perhaps this is why Rainbow wanted Fluttershy to be an awesome cheerleader back in the Sonic Rainboom episode? Does Fluttershy take inspiration to that in It Ain't Easy Being Breezies?

aceina #2 · May 8th, 2017 · · 1 ·

i dont like rainbows parents do be honest and i think she was 100% justified in snapping at her parents

5939249 Just gonna put this out there, Dash liked visiting Shy because her parents were quiet.

5939249 Or, how about Rainbow's parents were written so poorly and do nothing to explain why Rainbow grew to be the Wonderbolt she is today. If you've ever met people with parents like Rainbow's in this episode, you will realize that they don't STRIVE to achieve anything. Many of them actually rebel to try to get anything other than praise.

Rainbow's parents should have been critical (if not overly so) about the things she does, because that criticism is what would push her to be the best. If you notice, she's NOT happy about losing. If her parents cheered for her despite a loss, why the fuck would she be so determined not to lose? Giving a kid an award for participation does not force them to do better next time. They still got an award, so their place (and therefor their effort) does not matter.

Ask any professional in any sport and they will tell you that their parents were the ones pushing them to be better (note that this does NOT mean they were necessarily abusive or unsupportive during poor performance, just that the parents were the ones to tell them what they did wrong, how they could fix it for next time, and to be there to encourage them to keep trying). Coaches are the same way. People can respond two ways to criticism: use it as fuel to do better next time (Rainbow Dash) or internalize it and blame themselves for anything, regardless if it was their fault or not (Fluttershy).

The representations of both Rainbow's and Fluttershy's parents in no way support the personalities of the mares as adults. Rainbow's parents were here for the "laughs," and not because their actions could realistically make Rainbow who she is.


Wow... People REALLY hate Rainbow's parents... All that supportiveness that they had, people would rather see them die. A child should not have to feel that way...

the issue is they went way beyond just praising rainbow they worshiped the ground she walked on parents like that would be beyond embarrassing just look what they did at the wonderbolts show they visited shooting off fire works and making ass's of them self's

being proud of her is fine there is alot to be proud of for them not the least of which is she is a element of harmony

but what they did was just kinda disturbing its no wonder rainbow use to have a ego problem

5940616 Hate is a strong word. But suffice to say, I could see her wanting to hang out with someone who didn't cheer her on for her every breath. Even Dash has limits on the praise she can take, especially when it's not warranted.

Well, I haven't seen the episode yet, but from I've heard, I have to wonder how Rainbow's parents would react if she ever told them she's getting married.

5940680 Our daughter is the best lesbian ever! Yeah, you kiss that bride! Whooo!

5940687 and then they would want to frame the bed they slept in

5941798 Or take a mold of Dashie's marefriend's vagina lips... (spoilered for young eyes)

At least one thing will be clear. They'll be fully supportive of Rainbow being with Fluttershy. Meanwhile Zephyr Breeze and Discord get overly jealous seeing all the praise that Rainbow's parents are gonna put together for them. Speaking of which, I gotta wonder what would happen when they meet Discord...

Edit: Now that I think about it, I gotta wonder how Fluttershy would take all that cheering. Because with Rainbow, even though all that praise from her parents used to be so embarrassing, in the end, Rainbow really craves that sort of attention with other ponies. Fluttershy however doesn't.

Now that Rainbow is okay with her parents giving praise, I gotta wonder how Fluttershy would taken it when they keep showing up to give them praise on their dates.

Sage of the Leaf
Group Admin

It's something. I'll take it

In any case, I can only imagine the possibilities that will emerge from this. It would be interesting to see how the two sets of parents would interact, especially since they've known each other since their daughters were fillies. I have to say I'm surprised that Fluttershy didn't appear in this episode. Sort of seems like a missed opportunity, especially since Rainbow was in the episode introducing Fluttershy's family. Still, perhaps someone can rectify that with an epilogue that has Fluttershy.

You know, when one thinks about it, this could be more seen as more proof of FlutterDash. Think about it, Rainbow's parents' enthusiasm obviously got to her when she was a filly, so she must've gotten out of the house a lot, and from the sounds of it, she always went to Fluttershy's when that happened. Now it's pretty obvious that she found Zephyr more annoying than her parents, but the fact that Rainbow was willing to put up with that to spend time with Fluttershy speaks volumes.

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