FlutterDash 2,599 members · 1,424 stories
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While there wasn't any interaction between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash in the episode (Please let there be a Cutie Map episode for the two of them in S6), there were certainly broad actions we can utilize:

For one thing, while it was Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom that was the catalyst, it was Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's interactions that led to that. Also, from how those different futures turned out, either the two drifted apart after that day or canon has confirmed Rainbow Dash didn't meet Fluttershy until she came to her aid.

Furthermore, Starlight Glimmer has a similar past to them, huh? We can have future stories where Rainbow and Fluttershy share stories of their own foalhood with her.

Also, perhaps the biggest incentive we got, was Applejack mentioning the ship's name in the King Sombra timeline. Mares and gentlecoats, our favorite ship has become the very first ship in MLP: FiM to be mentioned by name in canon! There's no way the writers throwing that bit in can be a coincidence. It was a nod to us shippers, possibly because there wasn't as much interaction between the two Pegasi than in S4 (I doubt we can consider 'Tanks for the Memories' a FlutterDash episode),

On a final note, who is hoping for a bigger FlutterDash centric episode than 'Trade Ya!' in the sixth season?

I need my Flutterdash fix, and when Applejack said "Flutterdash", I felt like... I felt so happy. And then I went and read a Flutterdash fanfic.

Today was a good day...

Thank god for the fuel though, I really liked the episode, though alot of it was spent feeling my heart ache. I'm not even joking, seeing FS and RD get screwed over like that as fillies really hurt me.

I need help, I think... No, no, I'll just stick with my obsession for Flutterdash.

I did notice FlutterDash being said. The writers certainly know about ship names. Before or after Season 4 Episode 3 (Castle Mane-ia), Megan McCarthy (I think it was her), said something like she was looking forward to AppleDash fanart... of which I saw none after said episode, and this fandom is ridiculously fast with their episode-based art (seriously, it ended five minutes ago and there's fanart of it already?) Then again, I'm not subscribed to a ton of groups of deviantArt and don't go to derpibooru too often.

On a final note, who is hoping for a bigger FlutterDash centric episode than 'Trade Ya!' in the sixth season?

I am! Hopefully without anything for the Rainbow Dash haters to throw at her this time. The writers seem to enjoy making her a little antagonistic. I know she's brash and quick-tempered, but lately, she's just been pretty mean. That's not the Dash I know and love...

Dalek Saxon
Group Admin


...ehh...not so much fuel...or at least fuel I wouldn't feel comfortable sticking in my car if I planned on a long drive.

The first part I already knew about, and could've been inferred beforehand after watching that episode in season 1. "Hey, Rainbow Dash did the Sonic Rainboom after meeting Fluttershy, therefore if they didn't meet, everything would be awful." And all this does it just visualize it for people who didn't think about it...which...I guess is nice? Not so much new fuel, but just fuel we already know was in the gas tank.

The Starlight Glimmer you mention is...pushing it to say the least. But that's just what I've read. I, in all honesty, haven't seen the episodes yet, but from what I read and understood that's stretching it in terms of ship fuel goes.

The final thing just makes me groan. Again, haven't seen the episode, but upon hearing that it sounds like one of bad winks to the audience sort of moments. Like "HEY...YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT THIS IS RIGHT?" and I turn go "Yes...I do...but you vocalizing it only makes me sad because a bunch of Twidashers and Appledashers are going to get angry and knowing you mentioned Flutterdash is going to lead to at some point the ship names of Twidash and Appledash get mentioned for fairness and then two bits of my soul get lopped off....thanks guys."

I like everything being as neutral as possible and having a ship name actually vocalized in show is...again...a bad wink to the audience that a good chunk will get petty over...because people and their OTPs work like that...and can be seen as the writers taking sides. Even if it's a side I root for it's inevitably going to make me cringe at some point later. Please for the love of god...Celestia...and anything in between...let it please just be a bad coincidence and the writers didn't know what they were doing...and if they did...thanks for the Flutterdash reference but it's going to lead to more trouble down the line than it's worth.

Maybe I'm just getting more worried than I have to be over one word getting uttered and maybe this will amount to nothing...but then again this is the internet where anything can happen for better or for worse...so here's hoping it amounts to NOTHING...

Edit* Watched the scene on youtube...technically she says Pinkiebow before Flutterdash...so...yay for the PInkiedash fans even if she didn't say Pinkiedash or RainbowPie? ...new confirmed ship name? ...yay? Whatever...as long as Twidash doesn't get name dropped we're good for now...and if it does get mentioned the before mentioned bit of my soul getting lopped off will happen. ...groan...

Oh, I just remembered something else. Remember how when Twilight was pushing Filly!Rainbow Dash to do the sonic rainboom? Rainbow Dash showed herself being uncharacteristically unsure of herself, lacking the cockiness and confidence we've seen in her, which is strange considering in the flashback shown in 'The Cutie Mark Chronicles', she was shown being very brave when standing up to Fluttershy. That gives us canon evidence that it was having Fluttershy as a friend that helped make Rainbow Dash into the mare she is today!

4885043 You make an excellent point.

Also, Twilight was being creepy when she chatted to Rainbow Dash as a filly. Twilight even lifted her eyebrows in a flirtatious manner. I wonder if Twilight understood what she was doing and hoped the young filly mare would find her attractive, and she would race her in order to impress her. Rainbow Dash was in more of a stranger danger mode.

I loved it when RD ate the popcorn during the magic battle. That's the brash kid we all love.:rainbowdetermined2:

Sage of the Leaf
Group Admin

I agree with everything you said. When Applejack said "Flutterdash", I actually did a brief verbal cheer. And I knew this was going to be hard for me to watch, because I was just really bothered by filly Rainbow dash and Filly Fluttershy being screwed over.

They need each other in their lives, they really do.

4885861 Mhm! Indeed they do, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I just can't picture one without the other. Episode really did cement just how important their friendship is in the show.

(Though, I'd prefer having them be more than just best friends, if you get my drift. :yay::heart::rainbowwild:)

Oh. God. I realized something very, very dark. In one of the scenes, filly Rainbow Dash is frozen in a block of crystal like Twilight was. The crystal falls through the cloud every time we've seen it, just very slowly.

Did Rainbow Dash die in that alternate universe?... As a young little FILLY? Wow.

Maybe Fluttershy's butterflies caught her?

4886649 I dunno. Wouldn't the crystal still be super heavy? Great, now I just led this to a butterfly massacre. Oops. We can only hope that those butterfly's were ripped and muscular.

If not, R.I.P Rainbow Dash, and about eighty seven butterflies. :fluttershysad:

Though, it didn't, (in theory), actually happen. So, she didn't actually die. Oh, and I guess the butterfly's got spared too. So that's good. Very good.

I do believe a lot of us can use this new info to enhance the ship stories. Perhaps a lot of stories can take place following 'The Cutie Re-Mark' where Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash comment on how important that day in their lives is. Also, we could use the mention of Starlight's foalhood to bring up any concerns between the two. Oh and btw, if anyone here supports other childhood pairings besides FlutterDash, a new pairing called StarBurst has been born.

Well, if the PinkieDash shippers got a nod too, I guess I can live with it, as long as FlutterDash was referenced as well. Also, that first detail may have been fuel we already had, but thinking of it as being upgraded from regular to diesel.

Sage of the Leaf
Group Admin


The entire finale basically took what we were already given, and injected it with steroids. And then more steroids.

Dalek Saxon
Group Admin


Pinkiedash I'm fine with mostly because I'd like to think it's a slowly sinking ship or at least nowhere as popular as it once was. But I'd still like it to be no ships referenced because since those two got a nod I just KNOW that Twidash is going to get a reference sometime later and again a bit of my soul will die. I already got the countdown clock started and it's called Season 6 premiere.

Upgraded from Regular to Diesel? Ok sorry about this, but since I've been working a lot on my like Flutterdash human car racing story everything in my past like 48 hours has been CARS CARS CARS CARS RACING RACING RACING TUBROS SUPERS FLUTTERDASH RANDOM DISCORD AND CARS CARS RACING CARS...and hearing the words "Upgraded from Regular to Diesel" is like hearing the words "Upgraded from helium to hydrogen" when it comes to blimps. No...the proper term would be something like "Upgraded from Regular to High Octane" ...again sorry about that weird complaint I had to make...

Are you referring to the slight boost steroids give or the negative side effects?

Sage of the Leaf
Group Admin

I've never tried steroids, but I was talking about the boost, and the good feeling that comes with the boost. Except, I'd like this figurative steroid to be permanent for Flutter dash.

Well, Rainbow Dash really wasn't paying attention to the part where Fluttershy was part of the deal because she was distracted by the book. However, upon realizing her mistake, she immediately felt guilty and went to great lengths to undo it, not to mention getting Fluttershy her bird whistle (btw, what do you suppose ever happened to that bear call?). Still, what moments of her being mean to Fluttershy are you referring to? The 'Cutie Map' season premiere had good reason because Fluttershy was fascinated by Starlight's town and its (so-called) peaceful ways, and from what I heard about 'Scare Master', that was because she doubted Fluttershy could actually do anything scary, and boy was she proving wrong. In fact, someone could actually utilize that in a story with Rainbow Dash being impressed with Fluttershy over that.

Well, here's hoping that S6 will have more FlutterDash moments in it. I have to say, there were hardly few (if any at all) in this season, which is sad because the last season was full of good moments with the Equestria Games arc and 'Trade Ya!'.

Sage of the Leaf
Group Admin

Indeed. To future flutter dash moments. Off the top of my head, the only prominent moments were in The Cutie Map, Scare master, and Tanks For The Memories. There's the finale of course, but that was more like reinforcement and elaboration. Did you ever see Tanks for the Memories? It starts out rough, but the ending gets a good Flutterdash moment.

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