Fan/fic/ Theater 3000 335 members · 144 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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The Seventh Courier
Group Contributor

Hello. I thought that, to bring us closer as a community, we should start a thread to get to know each other better. After all, familiarity breeds... okay, bad example, but it's still a good sentiment.

Group Contributor

Sounds good, although we did already make that introduction doc in Ponychan thread.

The Seventh Courier
Group Contributor

Yeah, but some new people have joined, so I thought we should do it again. Although I certainly wouldn't complain if someone could link me to the doc, since Ponychan's being a douche at the moment.

Group Contributor

*Here. I should stop doing this sort of thing...

Fallen Prime
Group Admin

I'd love to add my name to the doc, but it won't let me. Should I try a comment, or would it be better if I'd been riffing for LONGER than three and a half weeks?

Hello, I'm Muleicous... Obviously. :facehoof:
I've done some guest submissions on MPPT3K, some good and some... meh-ish. My favorite pony is Fluttershy, and I like to make fun of stories that I like and stories that I hate

Well, I've been here for a little while, and haven't done this, so here I got.
I called myself Chroma3D here because I never actually intended to use this account. I made it to comment on a fic. I'm normally Remolay. I'm a part of Telltale Fanfic Theater 3000, and have done a couple of guest submissions here. My riffing style mainly consists of bad jokes a small amount of people will get and celebrating on the rare cases people actually do something right (Usually with "RELEASE THE CONFETTI! RELEASE THE BALLOONS! RELEASE THE HOUNDS!")

Hey guys, it's me; Drizzel.:derpytongue2:
I don't think I need an introduction as I myself am one of the riffers.

How does one go about getting a story in submissions? I've seen some weird and riffable shit, and justice must be brought on those fics!

I've always loved MSTs, but I've always hated groups. Love won.
I do a moderate amount of proofreading, so I find bad writing very painful.
I absolutely adore the FiM characters, so shitty portrayal pisses me off.
I don't really mind gorefics or clopfics as long as they don't try to justify their stories as "canon/character plausible/believable".
Rapefics (not hentai-style clop-rape, but "realistic" rape) are probably the type I hate the most.
Yes I know my avatar is terribly creepy. But I have extremely high creepy/uncanny tolerance so I just find t cute. Deal.

Below the chapter list and above the character tags for a story, there is a button that says "add to group". You click that, then click the submissions folder.

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