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Fallen Prime
Group Admin

The complete works of one octavia1997, who just spent all day acting like the one asshole on this entire site I've ever blocked. And we need it torn down NOW.

875640 try again ass holes

now cut the crap

Fallen Prime
Group Admin

875644 What do you mean "try again?" This is only our first try, and it's just getting started.


If you don't want them doing your stuff, don't pull a shitfit. They don't tend to come back to the same authors unless said authors act in a manner unbecoming, and they tend to see this as a war tactic.

for some reason.


I honestly don't get why you guys treat this as a personal attack on you. I'm doing riffs with a buddy separate from this group, and we're planning to get permission before each one, maybe even have the authors help with the fic after theirs. Just seems like a more mature way to go about it.

In other words, a calm the fuck down all around. I will shoosh-pap you.


we're planning to get permission before each one, maybe even have the authors help with the fic after theirs. Just seems like a more mature way to go about it.

that is smart to do.

i didn't throw a shit fit. i got offened (enmotionaly )about something not even related to the fic. not even remotely related.

875667 Mule and I are doing a jointriff, and it's of a frfriend's first fic, where the Gary Stu levels are quite high, in onlythe third chapter.

Fallen Prime
Group Admin

875667 ...I just feel special for getting the "shoosh-pap" reference. What's this sudden urge to consume endless quantities of Faygo...?

At any rate, Ring has actually been planning this for a little while. The shit fit was just the straw that broke the camel's back.


>> Fallen Prime try again ass holes

now cut the crap

I don't know about any of the rest of it, but that's A grade shitfit going on right there. Despite what may or may not happen regarding honey and vinegar with flies, when it comes to requests kindness and being polite is always the best course.


Someone getting upset should never be a reason to do something you know will annoy them. In fact, it should be the opposite of that. There are plenty of people who love riffs who would be honored to be riffed by a community effort, don't focus your attentions on those who make clear they do not.

Group Admin


We do both. CardsLafter, Connor Cogwork, and Pen Stroke were pretty honored by the riffs on them, but we also riff people like Octavia, Felix and Mykan too.

And, as Fallen said, I was planning this earlier. The "public ridicule" part wasn't going to happen, though...until he started deleting criticism. When authors do that, we make sure they are aware of the riff, something that does not intentionally happen otherwise.


I'm not adressing anything else that's happened here, just this. He could have called your mother a female dog for all I care, and the only thing that would matter to me is how you responded. There's a distinct lack of maturity here, and it is most definitely not one sided. When someone does something stupid you don't get revenge, you roll your eyes and move on.

Group Admin


I'm sorry, but by that logic, it sounds as if no matter what he could say anything terrible he wants about us, and if we did anything on the same level to retaliate we'd be the bad guys.

Fallen Prime
Group Admin

875888 I'm trying to articulate an actual response, but I'd just be bloating 875968's comment to an all-out rant. And right now I'm too focused on the chatter in the riff doc to do that.

Author's actually in there talking to people, by the way. Complete attitude 180, from the looks of it.


I never said you'd be the bad guy, just that you'd be... guys. There's no moral highground in being awful second. What's the entire idea of this fandom based around? 'love and tolerate', right? This doesn't feel like it.

If you guys have sorted it out though, that works too. Just... whenever you guys start targeting someone who's made clear they don't want you to do one, it makes me rub my forehead a little. Riffing is fun as long as everyone's in on the joke, but you shouldn't do it when the author isn't.

Group Admin


Basically, you're saying that no one should be able to make fun of anything unless they have the rights to.

Rifftrax are in a whole lot of deep shit, then.


Wow. the grammar on those stories makes my inner grammar nazi scream in pain.

And this Felixdawn character...I don't know what to think of him.:applejackunsure:


Not necessarily 'not unless you get permission', but 'don't do it when someone asks you not to', for sure.

The thing about rifftrax is they're a professional company- they draw attention to what they do, and no producer worth their salt is going to look at that attention and say it's a bad thing. It's an entirely different situation from what's going on here. These stories are people's babies- and while some of us look at riffing and say 'Show me what I did wrong', others see someone being malicious and hurtful, and we should respect their feelings on the matter. We can think they're wrong, and they very well might be, but we should still respect them.

Group Admin


I don't really see how, besides the matter of scale, this is any different.


Because I don't think rifftrax ever HAS received a cease and desist, and if they had, I guarantee they would have stopped.

Group Admin


The movie companies have no legal grounds to do so, as they're not, for example, actually selling "The Avengers" with an added commentary track, they're selling the commentary track with nothing else.

The VOD section, where they sell full movies and their commentary track as one file, is made possible because the movies sold there are decades old, so they're extremely cheap to buy the rights to. You could make a point that the VODs back up your side, but that'd be literally disregarding the entire other half of their work.

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