Shipping 💖 9,763 members · 11,726 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Group Admin
Jhoira #1 · Oct 9th, 2021 · · 1 ·

There, I said it!

Group Admin

Ahh, I just edited the title to make it make more sense.


Agreed, Gen 5 shipping has been going on since before the movie. I've shipped Izzy and Sunny since the first leak.

Ice Star
Group Admin

Oh, absolutely. Though, one look at the folders shows that this group is still stuck in 2012 in terms of what it offers. We need proper folders for the vast majority of G4 ships (of a decent size) and Equestria Girls ships too. You'll notice that only the CMC and M6 folders are in proper shape with their subfolders organized and established. Unfortunately, the sole admin of this group is Knighty, and he's extremely busy, so he's unlikely to create the folders needed to bring the group to a level beyond just functional. I'm also pretty sure he'd have notifications muted. If any other admins could be appointed, it would be what is needed to start sorting through the stories in the group and getting them in new folders.

If you're looking for groups that have a better example of folders by pairing and some of the ships that would do well to be represented in the group, I would suggest giving these groups a look:

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