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So, just thought of something. You know in A Flurry of Emotions, when Twilight watches Flurry Heart while Cadance and Shining Armor take a day for themselves?

Does, um ... does Twilight get schprayed by Cadance's teat milk (0:09)?


Could’ve been formula.

Undoubtedly, formula. In the magical land of Equestria, baby milk comes from a powder, and the other kind of milk comes from... talking cows, which is about as disturbing, I suppose. Otherwise, the foalsitting could get a little funky and PG rated.

"Thanks for foalsitting, Twilight!" Cadence kissed her fellow princess on the head and darted for the door. "Coming, dear! Hold the cab!"

"Goo, gaa, ma ma!" called out Flurry Heart, waving at her departing mother.

"Oh! Almost forgot!" said Cadence, stopping at the door and firing a spell back into the room. Twilight Sparkle was caught flat-hooved with her mouth open, and failed to dodge, but by the time she got back to her hooves, all she could hear of her sister in law was the fading voice calling out, "It's almost feeding time! Be careful, Twilight! She head-butts!"

"Feeding time?" Twilight shook her head and looked into the foal bag. "Diapers, diapers, empty bottles, EEEK!!"

While she had been distracted, Flurry Heart had snuck up on Twilight's hindquarters, allowing the adorable and strong alicorn foal to nurse on a part of Twilight's anatomy she had never really thought about using before. A larger portion of her anatomy, which was providing a solid flow of nutritious milk for her niece, as well as a new experience for the alicorn princess.

"That's... um... tickles, I suppose," said Twilight, looking down and to the back where the slobbery noises were coming from. "And feels weird. A lactation spell, I guess. Cadence could have at least warned me." Twilight smiled and blinked away a tear. "So this is what motherhood feels like."

Then Flurry Heart, a little frustrated at the quality or quantity of the feeding, head-butted her right in the belly.



This ... this almost sounds like a story ...

6244007 Just a thoughtlett. I have them sometimes when reading. Twilight Makes a Coltfriend... Literally was derived from one of those. If I don't write them down, they're lost forever in the leaky basement that is my brain. Some say that's a good thing...

You know... I never thought of that. I mean, while it could be formula, I suppose it equally could be the natural stuff.

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