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What type of fight sequence with weapons do you believe to be the hardest to write?

Ex: fights with guns, swords, bow and arrows, etc

For me, I would say writing a fighting sequence can be difficult. I'm not a professional writer by any means, but even I struggle when it comes to fighting scenes. Sometimes I just have to write them to the best of my ability without making myself feel like an idiot at times.

for me, its gotta be guns. Trying to put a good fight scene together with a gun or several is really hard. Like I used to larp with swords and bows and such. So I know somewhat how to do those. But since I haven't fired a gun irl Its hard to convey it into writing.

It really depends on a lot of things. Environment and terrain, the skill of the combatants, the type of firearm/sword/etc being used in the fight, as well as what the fight means in terms of plot progression. I like to think I'm decent at writing a fight scene, but the difficulty of writing one can really go any direction depending on a whole lot of elements. Personally I think that if you integrate enough elements into the fight, it shouldn't be that hard to write so long as you can visualize and choreograph it in your head or on paper. The hard part is keeping it engaging to read about, and not just twenty iterations of "X character swings his sword and hits a guy" or "X character shoots her gun and hits a guy". Details and descriptions are your best friends in a fight scene!

My two cents anyway. You don't have to listen to me.

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