The Proofreader Group 4,270 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 112 )
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Ok then. I'll let them know, maybe convince them to try google docs or just submit their work so I can see it. Thank you so much for your help. If you find anything else about this... Problem, please let me know.

You've probably answered this question a million times but how do i get a proofreader?

Kody Wiremane
Group Admin

First, your proofreader needs to be born (and registered in our system). After that, I could give you an easy (for me) answer and redirect to the front page, section GET A PROOFREADER, and documents it refers to. But in less words, you can open this site, and switch, err, switches to select proofreaders who match your story type. I'd suggest you to begin from genre switches: setting them to "may like" for your story's genres, and if it finds too many proofreaders, setting them to "likes" for primary genres of your story. Watch for floating notifications, they'll tell you how many proofreaders match your query when you switch a switch. Then look through proofreader cards in the lower part of the page, and click on a Contacts link to get to their Fimfiction profile, and send them a PM. If that fails, you can post a request thread on our forum. Our posting rules are on the front page.

Can you explain a bit about how exactly this proof reader finder site works to me. I am new to making stories for this site. I've read a tone. Also growing up I always did good with lit classes. Though I can always improve. Plus i have the weirdest nik where I try to get as many people to read what I right to get feed back as possible. At the moment I have a story that's unpublished with a completed slightly over 2000 words first chapter with a second much longer chapter 2 in the beginning of creation. I do not wish to trouble anyone and would love it if I could find a proof reader to give me feedback so I can fix any mistakes or goofs that appear. Thank you to anyone that reads this and gives advise.

Hello, i made a comment earlier but didn't actually have it reply to this. For that, I am sorry. Anyways, if you get this could you take a look at that comment. It's very recent compared to other comments so it's just at the bottom of second page. If you can I thank you.

Kody Wiremane
Group Admin

6757174 6757534
Well, if you're asking about that proof reader finder site → , then the main stuff is explained in my previous comment: under Proofreader's genre preferences you set the switches to "may like" for genres applicable to your story, and if there is too much results after that, you restrict your query by switching to "likes" for primary genres of your story, all the way watching how many results remain after each switching. Said results are listed below the query form, each black bar designates a proofreader, with their info below it. You can click on their Notes header to unroll their notes, you can click the link in their Document field to check their original record at GDocs, you can click their Contacts link to get to their profile and PM them about your deal. There is also a help page on the site. Does it answer your question?

Thank you and yes. I have trouble with certain things. So I like to go over things a bit. Plus I sometimes read things wrong. So I'm sorry for having you redo this. Though none the less, it was helpful.

Oh, quick question. I'm not entirely sure how to share my story to a proof reader when I find one. Can I get details on how to do that?

Also I have already found two verrrry possible choices. They both like basically the same stuff and only one of them have dislikes. Which luckily for me aren't in my story. Plus there find with any length. Hopefully is this works out, I might be able to form a lasting bong and build a really good friendship and story.

Group Admin

One way is to keep a copy of your story on Google Docs and use their sharing function to allow the proofreader to see and comment on the story. Using Fimfic alone, set up an unpublished view password in the story and give a direct URL to the story/chapter to your proofreader, along with the password.

Thank you for the help.

Hello I need help with my description

Kody Wiremane
Group Admin

Hello, what kind of help with which particular description?

I'm not very good at writing descriptions can someone help me find a hook for my stories

Kody Wiremane
Group Admin

Well, certainly someone can help...

A quick note: this very thread is about the group, not about stories (descriptions included). I've modified the title to make it clear.

As to the group, it is usually implied that it's you who makes the first move — that is, choosing a proofreader and messaging them about your matter. Posting a forum thread, though, is another way.

If you want a quicker response to your need, you may better ask in a more forum-centered group, or on the #writing-help channel of Fimfiction's Discord server.

Kody Wiremane
Group Admin

Just posting this so that the last message is from staff, to indicate that all questions has been answered so far.

I filled out the form to become a proofreader a few days ago, but my name has yet to be added to the docs or database. Could you perhaps give a timeframe as to when it might happen? Or at least just confirm that nothing went wrong and my application wasn't missed.

Kody Wiremane
Group Admin

I confirm your application has been received. One week since applying with no response is a good time to start worrying. I will process yours soon, sorry for the delay.

Can we get an update of the Accepting status on the DB and docs? At least one proofreader I've reached out to is not accepting new fics (PeerImagination, listed under Expert Prereaders). No idea on if it's a temporary hiatus or if he's done.

Kody Wiremane
Group Admin

Um, hello. A reply here will come sooner if you tap the reply button on this thread's first post, or any of my comments here — Fimfiction will send me a notification. Posts that are not a reply, I read when I notice them, which can take a longer time.

Regarding PeerImagination's proofreadic unavailability: did they not respond at all, or explicitly replied with a "no"? I will additionally contact them, and update the docs.


Whoops, sorry.

I reached out to them, they said they weren't accepting new fics to proofread at this time. I then asked if I should reach out here to have their status changed since it still showed that they were accepting new fics, and they told me to go ahead.

Kody Wiremane
Group Admin

Ok, I'm on it. Confirming, or not responding in several days, Peer will be marked Not Accepting.


Cheers. Is it just a temporary break, or is he retired, do you know?

Kody Wiremane
Group Admin

No details revealed. It only can be said that PeerImagination is currently unavailable as a proofreader in our group. The docs has been updated, TPGDB will rescan the docs in several hours.
A little evidence is the request was to get the record "off the accepting list", not completely "off the system"… But that's more a technical thing than an actual evidence of something.

We hi is it possible to request 4 proofreader's I'm planning on working with 3 other authors to create a Equestria of take on the payday games and it would help having proofreader's once we have the fourth writer involved to help keep us on track and stuff between the four fics

Kody Wiremane
Group Admin

Hello, yes, it is possible, with it being desirable that you can organize work of such a team. We do not specifically restrict the number of involved proofreaders.

Also, please use the reply button, it sends notifications.

Ok and thanks btw

er hi again how do i put tags in when asling for a proof reader i just write down what was on ot or would linking the fic work better?

Kody Wiremane
Group Admin


here tags are just words in [brackets] you add to a thread title. Threads of authors in the need of proofreaders are marked with tags [Active] (in need) or [Resolved] (no more needing) at threads' title start, not with "I need a proofreader!". I have edited your thread's title.

As of links, of course you can additionally link your story as well, so your potential proofreaders can take a look at what they are supposed to work on.

thanks for the help

added story with the past 4 chapters up and added current chapter working on needing feedback as its around a minor to big change coming up which is connecting to the other events in it

Kody Wiremane
Group Admin


I suggest you label that link (something like, "currently working on this chapter"). It may be a bit unobvious for some users.

can we make a thread asking for feedback on small parts were writing or should we just ask the thing here (note already made a thread before thinking to ask)

Kody Wiremane
Group Admin

Mm, no, and I should ban you for that, if you don't mind (note: already banned you)
Well, it depends on what you call "small parts", "feedback", and "infodump". Can you explain in more details?

Its to do with a SAO crossover with my oc im writing besides 1person no one really knows my character is part demon in it and as such him being casual in what he says is supposed to be confusing to both the readers and the character he's talking to as he's a anthro Pegasus but says he's spent most of his life part reptilian as in not born that way

Kody Wiremane
Group Admin

Hm, it's a bit late thanks to the reply button not used again, though consider your thread allowed for now, as long as you keep it one thread per story.

i will thanks

Kody Wiremane
Group Admin

* a stub comment for easier monitoring *

will someone come to my post or are some people left for dead?pls tell me someone will come

your story is password protected right now and nobody else knows the password but you :V

i want someone to privite message me for proof reader not some MLP veteran i only watched the 4 mlp EG movies and the mlp eg web series and MLP the movie and the first 3 episodes of MLP they know way more than me

ah, alrighty then. might wanna include something along the lines of "PM me" in your post then so people would know.

but will someone PM me?

depends on if anyone is interested in your story. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

so if everyone is like hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yeah i dont like this then i have no proofreader and are going to get dunked on by devs?

the people who accept/deny your story

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