The Conversion Bureau 1,318 members · 389 stories
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In my ongoing shamelessness, a particularly broad subject has come to my attention.

There is in the world an estimated 100 million to 200 million orphans across the world. While not all necessarily have lost lost both parents, many face a risk of early death, disease, famine, or, if they make it, age out of the definition of orphan to become an impoverished adult.

Now, a conversion bureau scenario would raise a slough of questions for everything, though for orphans, it would have its own questions.

Converted children would have access to Equestria, where (presumably) brighter circumstances would await them. Single parents would have access to a land of plenty, amidst a socially amicable species where they could go on and live their lives and be able to sufficiently care for their children. Children without any family would be able to be immersed in a loving and caring environment when converted and subsequently adopted by a pony family.

Of course, this all raises a slough of issues, childhood consent being a big one. What if a pony couple wants to adopt an infant?

One possible perturbing development would be countries of earth shipping off orphans and other 'undesireables' to Equestria. Would a country be justified in sending off the people for with it no longer (can) care(s) for? Knowing that there would be a better life for those people there?

What about telling foals about their origins when they are old enough to understand?

Please, by all means, discuss any thoughts you have on this.

well that begs the question are we talking about the universe where Celsestia is evil and the potions wipe away their souls or another realm altogether?

2041885 For the sake of conversation, let's say "No."

2041829 going to have to side on plp on this. Which world are we talking about?

2041977 "No." as in "No, Celestia is not evil, nor does potion wipe out everything that makes a person that person."

2041993 then it is up to Celestia to convince not only the children, but ponies willing to adopt them.

Ponies to care for a child who is homeless and the child to make literal life changing decision.

The government can only hold them back if they believe the child is to young to make a decision.

I say... Around the age of 8 or 9 is the age limit for them to decide to live as a pony and live with a family.

within America there are many limitations for adoptions due to cultural differences.... it is kinda sad. the countries you should be most worried about are the ones that exploit orphans in factories and labor camps. they might see this as a threat to their profits.

Didn't Windchaser write a story somewhat about this. As for orphans either converting or having to decide I think it would come down their own opinion at the time, if its like forced I guess they'd have to or not... then again it comes down to the circumstances. I guess if a child's parents are lost and he converts and is still a foal or colt/filly I guess he'd have to go into an orphanage in Equestria or try and make it on is own or something.
As for two ponies adopting an infant I don't see how it would matter much if it was in hypothetical America but I also guess it comes down to adoption laws and if the would be parents are suitable for adoption. It would also be a bit of a hassle but I doubt it would be that bad.
As for orphans and undesirables being shipped off I can only imagine them being put into trains and sent off to Auschwitz but I don't know to be honest. If it were a crappy government like America then I guess deportation to Equestria or into jail, a bad government like China or North Korea (that if they even open their boarders) I guess my idea of a pony concentration camp or gulag wouldn't be that far fetched. As for a good country I guess they would just send them to Equestria or something but I doubt that a good country would do this in the first place.
Also just to annoy you here is an unrelated picture


I'm an orphan....:pinkiegasp:

shotgun cocking noise...... them ponies ain't takin' away my hands:twilightangry2:

2042109 Good point on how some countries would want to keep their workers.

2042484 Then to be replying to this, you are enormously lucky.

Between 100 and 200 million orphans? I know it's merely a number I pulled out of my, err, hat... but my own headcanon tells me that the entire native population of Equestria is below the 20 million mark.

For converted orphans, whatever solution they find is going to come from other converts, not from native ponies in Equestria Proper adopting them all.


I live with my aunt and uncle:twilightsmile:


"Between 100 and 200 million orphans? I know it's merely a number I pulled out of my, err, hat... but my own headcanon tells me that the entire native population of Equestria is below the 20 million mark."

Maybe Equestrian magic can put the orphans in cryonics. That is, freeze them in time until a couple looking to adopt comes along.

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