The Conversion Bureau 1,318 members · 389 stories
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On April 1st, 2022, a flash of energy, radio waves, radiation and neutrinos is detected beneath the cloud layer of Venus. All astronomers can do is watch. Over the course of several months the radiation field expanded and concentrated until a bright pink spot could be seen poking out of the cloud layer. When telescopes were focussed on this anomaly, they could almost see through it, and saw a shade of green, not only that but the planet's rotation was speeding up. NASA, possibly a few others quickly scramble to send a probe to investigate. So in the mid 2020s, the probe reaches Venus, the pink sphere having enveloped a whole hemisphere, discovered this

Basically a stereotypical xenolestia tried to invade Earth, something went wrong and they're now stuck on Venus witn no way of leaving or relocating.

What happens next

Because of the hostile atmosphere which is nothing like earth or "Equss" They all die.

That's what the pink protective field is for

What about Sunset Shimmer?

Honestly, that seem interesting but I have no idea how the conflict would play out.

Venus is a hell planet and absolutely no use to humanity. Anything we could take from Venus we could better take from Jupiter's moons. And we would need to be very firmly a Class 1 Civilisation before we could undertake the millennium long plan to terraform Venus. And even if we did it, Venus would only stay habitable as long as the solar mirrors keep it shaded, meaning it's one war away from collapsing. So I say: if Equestria can terraform Venus using Barrier magic, good for them. Now let's hope Equestrians make good neighbors. If they don't, we could harvest a few asteroids from the asteroid belt and be done with them.

I wonder what they could do to even threaten Earth in the short run? Depending on which version of tcb Celestia it is they may just be content to be quarantined from the rest of Sol

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