The Conversion Bureau 1,318 members · 389 stories
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I just remembered that the potion required Nano machines Equestria doesn't have in order to shape shift a human being, so I ask why doesn't the HLF just modify the potion to preserve more of a person so they can survive the background magic radiation?

Too complex, it was created with the help of the Eqestrian magic and expertise which human didn't had, it's a combination of nanotech and magic, which the nanits where fuel my the magic but also had part of the programming the best the world Government managed to do was was to prevent rewriting their instincts for special agents, which turned on them and created the PER, because they became loyal to Celestia but arrived to their own conclusions on how to accelerate the conversion of humanity. The best the HLF managed to do was to stop the subject from losing consciousness so that they didn't get the vision of Celestia's. Celesita did make a version to stay human of her own but it was more to create a human sanctuary for very few people and she controlled the source.

Thank you for an in depth answer that only requires some slight modifications to get a premise going.

Well, to go more in dept, it'S because Equestrian don't come from the same dimension and don't operate on the same rule set of physics as we do. And, Equestrians are aren't made of atoms and isn't mostly made up of empty space but something entirely different called 'matter cubes' or something like that, the serum doesn't just change a human's shape but entirely changes their quantum physical properties to entirely different one. Changing it was entirely was competently outside even the HLF available resources to really make their own serum only tamper with the process of the existing one. Equestria is really closer to vast computer simulation but with real properties, not virtual.

Anything else I should know about? Because this would be good material to justify a major element of a setting I'm working on. Especially if I fudge a few details like "Humanity was planning to leave Earth before Equestria arrived" and "the ability to turn into matter cubes is somehow inheritable many years down the line"

hum, you can't 'inherit' the Matter cubes you can only completely convert matter into Matter cubes, and humanity was already on the verge of extinction by its own hands with 'the last harvest' event of the uneatable transgenic crop that destroyed all other in the world safe for Antarctica, and all focil fuel sources were exhausted at that point. The elites of the world had planed to send to make a ship that would colonize Mars but it wasn't likely to last all that long term, and the Conversion bureau was merely a front hide those plans for the populations to hide their real activities. In an alternate time line partly created by Chat Celestia had been killed, well more like decapitated but technically still alive which the Elites used blood that she still generated to create their own formula, but because the Equestian magic field wasn't there anymore it could only turned humans into lobotomized Earth Ponieswith the reasoning power of children that they used as both punishment and slave labor to slowly undo their damaged that was caused before Equestria arrived. It also clue us in that the conversion potion necessitated Celestia's blood in order to work.

That's why I said I wanted to fudge some details for the sake of a story since working purely within the framework of her setting is a bit too confining, but I wanted to use it anyway. Keep in mind that I'm using Chat's world building as a base to justify magical girls more than anything.

Basically this modified potion not only preserved mind and body, but also gave the user great magical powers. Problem is that very people can safely use the potion, so instead they would be deployed behind the barrier to buy humanity time in order for them to escape (AU remember). A detail I have fudged is that despite being no longer conventionally human, reproduction is still possible so before the last ship launched from Earth to a new world, they extracted as many eggs as they could just in case Equestria found New Earth. So they land on this new world with more potentials than before, problem is that this far away from a magic field, the matter cubes in these people would remain dormant as there's no ambient magic to draw from. Until about 2000 years later, but that's another story

I think they did? They made murderous agents who were extra vicious but looked like ponies and could go to Equestria.

I'm aware. Loyalty programming would be a requirement with this lot and may or may not color future generations >->

with that story premise I think you would be better off doing completely your own thing, with back story and all rather then to base Chat's Vers, you would have even more freedom to work with.

I already explained that too

I understand, I just wanted a general answer to a general question I had, and the concept of "Matter Cubes" is very interesting to me. Besides my story takes place on a completely different planet in the far future, I have all the freedom I need

Hey what's a matter cube exactly? What story did that come from because I want to work in that concept

Sorry you would need to read all of Chat's stories to get a full grasp on it or ask her yourself, I haven't read the stories in years.

I was randomly invited to a unicorn jelly server recently and when asked, she had no idea. I'm still gonna borrow the concept as to explain how someone who is ostensibly human can pull of feats that would liquify a normal person, but that's off topic

Didn't realize you were in this group buddy.

it was one of the first groups I gravitated toward and really go me into HiE stories after my FoE craze

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