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A part of the story idea I've had is the culture clash between canon-ish Equestria, and a society that fears and revials them due to ancient history this version had nothing to do with. By this point ponies are seen as beings akin to demons and Equestria being used in place of heck, and are treated as monstrous beasts aside from a few Panasean visual novels. But for the most part time as warped popular perception into the subjects of horror movies and violent video games. How would canon Equestria react to this?

That sounds like how America's viewed in North Korea (or at least, in North Korean propaganda). Most Americans don't know or care.

That's because real life Korea is a non threat, this is more akin to facing a civilization that hates you that's either equal to or stronger than you


That's because real life Korea is a non threat, this is more akin to facing a civilization that hates you that's either equal to or stronger than you

Then try to dive into how most of the third world sees the USA.
Here in Mexico, we've never forgotten who we let settle in our Northern Territories, with the only significant condition that they couldn't have slaves. That costed us Texas, Colorado, Utah, California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. And of course, that the Yanks' trample all over our sovereignty ever since.
And Mexico actually has a relatively good relationship with the US. Think about countries that aren't quite as forced to smile at the Yanks, like Nicaragua, Panama, Vietnam, Chile, Argentina...
The one Yank I like to quote time and time again on US foreign policy is Smedley Butler. Look up his "war is a racket" speech.

Not to be that guy but the only thing the 3rd world has going for them is that the United States hasn't successfully occupied a country since WW2. I swear if modern America fought Japan and Germany they'd still be in smoldering ruins.

Anyway, I had the image of Twilight trying to master this world's version of doom eternal as a part of her inter species relations research. And she's gotten really good at it what with her being able to press multiple buttons at once


Not to be that guy but the only thing the 3rd world has going for them is that the United States hasn't successfully occupied a country since WW2.

Why would the Yanks bother occupying anymore, if installing puppets is so much cheaper and equally rewarding?

  • 1949. Syrian coup because the Syrian Parliament wasn't allowing a pipeline.
  • 1952. Installing Batista as president in Cuba.
  • 1953. CIA backs the ending of Iranian democracy.
  • 1954. Installing a puppet in Guatemala.
  • 1958. CIA sends weapons to Tibet to help them oppose annexation from China.
  • 1958. Sponsored coup against Indonesia. (failed)
  • 1958. Sent troops to Lebanon.
  • 1961. Failed coup in Cuba against Castro.
  • 1961. Started a civil war in Dominican Republic.
  • 1961. The Congo Crisis.
  • 1962-1973. Covert, pro-right wing interventions in Chile, leading to the coup that installed the dictator Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990).
  • 1963-1968. Backed the right wing through the decolonization of Guyana, until a government favourable to the US was elected through electoral fraud.
  • 1965-1973. The Vietnam war.
  • 1972-1975. Aid to Kurdish rebels in Iraq.
  • 1973. Military aid to Israel.
  • 1979-1989. Heavy military aid to Afghan rebels. As the US only used the war as a killing field against the Soviet Union (like the soviet Union had used Vietnam), they just packed up and left as soon as the Soviets retreated. The sudden loss of that aid after victory was seen as betrayal, led to anti-west feelings and religious radicalization of the new government and eventually formed Al Qaeda.

And that's just inside the Cold War, not counting more recent ones, and not counting an apparent total of 81 covert influences into elections worldwide between 1946 and 2000.

Anyway, I had the image of Twilight trying to master this world's version of doom eternal as a part of her inter species relations research. And she's gotten really good at it what with her being able to press multiple buttons at once

So, a Doom were every monster is a pony? I'd play that just for giggles.


Why would the Yanks bother occupying anymore, if installing puppets is so much cheaper and equally rewarding?

They're trying, it's just that the people there don't like that puppet government much. I'm pretty sure Iraq isn't de jure run by the US military

So, a Doom were every monster is a pony? I'd play that just for giggles.

And other creatures of Equestria to fill out the roster, ie buffalo being the mancubi and the Zebra being a buffing/nerfing enemy.

Speaking of cubi, not!Japan, aka Tongwo, would have ponies that are just people with ears and tails. This is a common thing

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