The Conversion Bureau 1,318 members · 389 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Someone on the ATCP forum had an interesting idea: What if the Gods (from Earth's various mythologies) fought Princess Celestia, the Conversion Bureaus, and Equestria?

Equestria is expanding into, and assimilating the Earth. And the Gods of Earth aren't happy. They intend to put a stop to it! There are a number of reasons the Gods would have, and different Gods would have different reasons. But are these probably the two biggest reasons:

#1: They feel that Celesta and Luna are the Gods of Equestria, and don't have the right to take the Earth.

#2: They feel that mankind, for all her faults, has the right to exist.

This could easily be a good vs good conflict, with both sides being sympathetic and having noble intentions. And it's unlikely that all Earth Gods will be on the same side, some will probably side with Equestria.

Also, it's just cool to imagine Thor fighting an army of Pegasi. Or maybe he fights Rainbow Dash one-on-one, that could be the start of a beautiful friendship!

God stomps Equestria back into the sea, gg.

The various gods of earth have things that literally stomp everything Equestria has to offer, not to mention numbers advantage.

Why doesn't it make sense?


And isn’t it obvious that Gods would win?

Some of the Gods fight for Equestria.

And if it’s about gods vs Alicorns: what is it going to do with Conversion Bureaus?

You could ask the same thing about the fanfictions, where the Bureaus result in a world war between Equestria and Earth.

You lost me there.

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