The Conversion Bureau 1,318 members · 389 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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Krass McWriter
Group Admin

hey. Been a while. How Y'all been?

Regarding this group's purpose: a couple months ago, somebody relatively new to FIMfiction went "character witness" on Chatoyance, assuring me that Chatoyance is an even-tempered, well-centred individual who's always ready to listen to differing opinions. That led me to discover, after plenty of navel-gazing, that I haven't interacted with Chatoyance since probably 2013...
If Chatoyance has indeed changed for the better: great for her.

I think Nacho's talking about me. I wouldn't quite put it that way. I won't lie: Chatoyance can be rough around the edges. But, with the exception of a single topic that turned out to be a sore point with her (and I don't expect that topic to come up much), I haven't had any real problems talking to her. Actuality, talking to her's been a real pleasure!

And yes, she is willing to listen to differing opinions. I've found that her infamous reputation (and her TV Tropes article) has been a gross exaggeration.

I think it's time to seriously consider merging this TCB group with Chatoyance's. Not that many people are still involved with TCB, and those few who are don't seem interested in continuing the TCB Civil Flame-War.

Edit: Unfortunately, I have to take back what I said.

The world is marching on, I've started college and soon I'll be done with that. Doesn't it feel like just yesterday the golden age of conversion stories was here? What an iconic genre for the fandom on this site. I remember back in 2012, 7 years ago, when I joined this group, how about that? This show and this sight especially was formational for who I am now and even when the show ends this year I think I'll stick around for a while or maybe even download my favorite stories just to make sure they don't disappear when this sight is shut down someday.

And now I'm all nostalgic, thanks for that. :rainbowlaugh:

Sup. Once I get done with my MHA crossover I’m thinking about doing a bureau story again.

Also, we should get a Discord


Wondering at people still interested in this group for the 'humans kick the alien invaders' butt who were turning people into zombies' rather than 'people adjusting to being a new species and the culture clash between two very different civilizations'.

Krass McWriter
Group Admin

yeah i looked through all the recent submissions and it seems to be predominately Pony-Zombies these days which is incredibly unfortunate. I miss my transhumanism TCB stuff

Oh hello. Things have been more or less okay. Graduated, got a job, still doing the performance art and writing in various formats.

Group Admin

Not too bad, really. I keep intending to get back into writing, but other stuff's got my interest now too, plus work as I start looking toward making sergeant.

Ocean Breeze
Group Admin

Been working as an IT in Chicago since September. Good work, keeps me busy.

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