The Conversion Bureau 1,318 members · 389 stories
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Krass McWriter
Group Admin

We all get ideas, whether partial or whole, for TCB. Sometimes however, we just have to much on our writing plates already, or feel that we cannot do it justice. So we have let them stagnate, fading away into obscurity and eventually, into the place the forgotten things go.

So it is here we leave Ideas for adoption or just maybe to come back to. Who knows, it may inspire others to take up a pen.

I may borrow from these for events and such.

Group Contributor

>Twilight/Other high-ranking bureau official is taken hostage, with the demands that Equestria back the feather off. While the humans and Equestrians try to sort things out, Twilight befriends her guard or whatever. Guard finally decides to set her free/has something happen to him that results in Twilight being set free, and Twilight attempts to escape alongside friend guard. Meanwhile, talks have broken down, and combat squads attempt to rescue Twilight by force.

Ending can be whatever, really; depends on the overall theme of the plot.

I had reall wanted to work on this one, but I don't think I could bring it justice.

TCB: 40k Bureau Wars.

Equestria appears on earth. An earth already filled with humans, ponies, griffins, diamond dogs, and all sorts of mythological creatures. And they don't want Equestria here.

Krass McWriter
Group Admin

A man goes through a seemingly flawless ponification, except he never wakes up. They say a man must leav his baggage behind before he can do they same with his body, and the conversion dream is what is supposed to do this. However, he is stuck in his dream, and must find the strength to leave his old life behind.

1. A dinosaur is in Equestria, visiting from across the sea. When Equestria joins Earth, his world disappears and he joins the HLF to get revenge and kill Celestia.

2. A guy's pony friend puts potion in his drink, trying to make him a pony. He becomes part pony, causing not only the HLF to want him dead, but Celestia wants him dead because he would be able to get into Equestria.

I just feel that with my bad writing skill I couldn't make these stories good, and hopefully someone else can.

Krass McWriter
Group Admin

>Dinosaur Joins the HLF.

So much wut.

The proper spelling is "so much want".

Group Contributor

A story fit to be made into a sitcom.

In a PER dominated part of Manehatten, there lives two ponies and a human all living together as roomies. The human will be forcefully ponified if anypony ever finds him.

He resorts to hiding behind the couch, wearing fake pony-head masks and suits and a series of wigs and outfits pretending to be the electrician, plumber and more when the superintendent (Luna) comes to call.

Lyra and Bonbon live upstairs, Derpy is their mail-pony and shenanigans ensue.

A man suffering from major bodily damage is brought into the Bureau while unconscious. Despite the best efforts of even the most proficient hacker in the bureau no one can confirm the man's true identity. Thus risking his life and the legal stability of the bureau if they so choose to perform an emergency ponification.

A story set in an already High-magic universe where people already had access to magic and the ability to fly either through steam-punk like machinery or just flat out magic and how they would deal with the talking candy colored equines that seemed to be slowly engulfing their already magically saturated world.

Just a few ideas that have been bugging me, and I really don't feel that I have the ability to tackle them.

Group Contributor

that actually sounds like a lot of fun :O

Set in a fully ponified earth, A lone explorer in the everfree finds of all things a human settlement.And not just humans, either. Griffins, diamond dogs, minotaurs, Even donkeys and zebras are in there, but in few numbers shocked, she manages to get out of the forest undetected and alert the princess.

Three things: the humans and the other creatures are survivors from a variant of the ten rounds universe, where celestia basically ponified not just humans, but all non ponies, even genetic relatives.

Two: They have found a way to become immune to most equestrian magic.

Three: They all have no idea they're in the everfree forest or equestria in general, And they HATE Celestia, so it'd be kinda awkard when this nice one appears

A small organic nanobot is brought into equestria by a forcibly converted HLF member.
The nanobots begin to replicate once they are in the exponential lands.
My original idea involved a AI systems POV.

282941 What will the nanobots do?

Essentially they would create a massive underground BUNKER, fallout style in the middle of the exponential land.
Deep within the nanobots programming is the instructions to clone humans from native species. Humans who can withstand magic.
It's already canon in the TCB universe that cloning works.
Naturally the time period would be long after the deaths of the current bearers.
I also thought that Celestia might actually know about this and is just curious to see were it goes. Since she would also know of everything that goes through the barrier.
As a serious Trollestia twist she may have in fact LET IT IN.

The nanobots that is.

I have a twisted idea based on windchasers version of the equestrian barrier. Equestria comes to a peaceful earth, and instead of people leaving for a better life, they're entering because they have no choice. Now the twist is that celestia says shes restraining the barrier and she cant control it.... Until she falls ill and the barrier dissapears.

A rough idea:

Basic setting is very loosely Chat's neo-canon. (Seriously. There's enough of it that it's kinda pulling a lot of the other stuff in-setting to match by Story-gravity.)

Our viewpoint ponified person's conversion dream is interrupted by a fight breaking out: seems that in addition to Luna and Celestia, "Mi Amore Cadenza" arrives.

Celestia: Rawr! (a la Code Majeste)
Luna: Lolwut?
Cadance: Auntie? What's wrong? *dodges magic blast, dragging new convertee back to a different Equestria*

So, TCB newfoal, led to expect stagnant pseudo-medieval TCB!Equestria arrives in fully Season 2-compliant Canon-ish!Equestria.

Random S2 Equestrian (about newfoal): What a DOORMAT!

Equestria pops into a Steam or Chrome punk alternate history earth.
Many interesting interactions ensue.
Designed to be played for breaking tropes, and creating mental images of Ponies in roaring 20's attire.

Or perhaps Equestria pops in at a different point in history, say for example modern day or the medieval period.
Many accusations of 'sorcery' and 'trollin' ensue.

Lastly; follow human refugees of vanishing Earth on sleeper ships as they colonize new homes.
One catch; some Ponies, Gryphons, and perhaps even Zebras, or Diamond Dogs opted to come along for the chance to explore strange new worlds.
Its an interesting society when your entire existence is founded on multi-species principles.
Its also very interesting because when kids come of age, they have a choice by way of what species they'd like to continue life as, without the ever present nagging restriction of the bubble and the end of the world.

Then, suddenly; hostile aliens, because every space story needs conflict by way of things that come from the blackness to suck out your soul. :pinkiecrazy:

The ponification of Earth, as observed by a particularly unlucky scientist stranded in the International Space Station, as those who have the responsibility to guide them down safely buggered off to be ponified. I think of it as a kind of deep, philosophical view of what's happening, as observed from relative comfort and safety. Then they could attempt to crash land into the ocean or something, and be rescued by ponies. Just crossed my mind when I thought of what would happen to isolated research teams :unsuresweetie: But I tend to be better writing about war and ponies kicking flank :rainbowdetermined2:

I do come up with conversion bureau ideas from time to time I'll let you know when I remember some of them.

Humans have died out, but those who were not converted, walk Equestria. Then Equestria is wracked by paranormal activities, until Celestia goes insane and has to be imprisoned in stone. Then Discord becomes free, and restarts humanity, to cause "chaos".

A insane, delusional, maniac from Earth, gets into Equestria. He has a flamethrower with tech that replicates ammo, and a hazmat suit. Good Idea ?

That's dumb. Not trying to be a dick but first of all this is for legit ideas and it also sounds like something my four year old cousin would come up with if I let him play Call of Duty.

367508 It also sounds like you took something to seriously. Calm down, I'm not serious when I post story ideas.

Just keep it clear for actual story ideas please.

367575Ok then, but expect me to be the devil's advocate in pretty much all arguments here/

Reverse TCB, in which Earth swallows up Equestria. Well, Lyra will be happy for one.

An old idea I had, but never did anything with (I'm not a very experienced writer):
In a generic, end-of-the-world, humanity-doomed-anyway, Equestria-lends-a-helping-hoof universe, there is a prison that has overpopulation issues. Solution to that problem: offer the convicts conversion, turn their multiple-year/life sentence into a few months of rehabilitation for society.
Problem would be, how can nice, kind, trusting ponies survive the harsh prison environment?

Other idea:
A few years after total conversion, Discord breaks free and tries to take over Equestria. Again.
This time however, he makes sure to take out Twilight first (turn her to stone or something), so his reign of chaos won't be interrupted.
So, what would happen if a former member of a species from an uncaring world, gets forced back into his old manner of thinking? (tl;dr: Discorded. Newfoals.)

Heres a story idea I came up with I was originally going to do it myself, but now I really don't want to do it anymore so if anyone wants to write it they're welcome to it.
The Conversion Bureau: Final War This Conversion Bureau story is based on the ten minute and ten rounds universe were Celestia is basically a tyrant or has become corrupt and decides to forcefully convert humanity. Usually in these storys the ponies encounter little reistance from humanity and what resistance they do encounter they quilkly demolish, but not in this story. In this story she not only does Celestia encounter strong reisitence, but she is forced into an all out war against a very well armed and well organised human military force. A war that she might lose in the end.

I thought a lot about story inspired by "Sexmission" movie (did anyone saw it?). Basically, two men submit to the hibernation experiment, but "something" is going wrong and they wake up few decades after ponification of whole mankind. Ponies don't know what to do with them, they don't know what to do with ponies, ponification serum isn't longer manufactured. In addition, men don't want to be turned into ponies, so they are trying to escape from settled by ponies land.

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