The Conversion Bureau 1,318 members · 389 stories
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Bendy #1 · Jul 1st, 2015 · · 2 ·

Why not put the remainder of humanity into a reservation? Say just enough for humanity to have a viable population?

The ponies will not commit complete xenocide on humanity. Humanity lives on in a small area on Earth in which Celestia (she controls the barrier) has not closed the barrier (the ponies can rule the rest of earth that used to belong to humanity) in on and the ponies can keep the human will fend and watered by dropping them supplies. The ponies can heal the damage humanity caused to Earth, yet allow humanity to live on and possibly (eventually... the human may hate them for a long... time) develop better relations with humanity?

.... not great for humanity... but at least not all of them are turned into ponies.

Most stories where the ponies aren't slavering psychopaths don't have the barrier advancing under their control.

Friendship Is Optimal (which isn't TCB but has sort of similar themes; an AI posing as Celestia is uploading everyone and turning them into ponies) had one story where she did exactly that -- she couldn't convert anyone who wouldn't consent so the ones who completely refused even after the world was mostly destroyed lived in villages surrounded by computronium.


Did she give said humans food and water so they can survive?


In most TCB scenarios, the convergence of the Equestrian and Human universes causes outbreaks of magic energy which is lethal to humans, whether on not the barrier is present. (In many stories Celestia created the barrier to constrain the magic incursions to a well defined area, but she can't control its size as the area is determined by the degree of convergence - which is increasing inexorably.)

However, it would be easy enough to create some rationale to explain how a small area might be preserved. The question is who would decide who gets to stay in it, and how to prevent all-out war amongst the remaining human population (and governments!) in order to get access to it. The idea certainly has potential for some high drama and good storytelling.

from what I read in many TCB stories, Such places would be used by the Humans to plan revenge, perhaps using a horse disease against the Ponies.


I say we just put all the humans in a zoo and throw peanuts at them.


The ponies put in jail the more dangerous humans.

And since the ponies have overpowered magic and physical super strong strength in TCB they could go in a riot squad to knock the shit out of the humans (not kill them but beat them badly) to keep them in line.

That or cast magic to make them behave like a teletubby when they get too violent.

4514738 So you could have the newfoals being the same people that they were before, but the ones who chose to remain human get to be brainwashed zombies? :derpytongue2:


The saving humanity justifies the means.... that's TCB logic. I don't agree with it, but that is TCB.



I would say the exact same thing...... but the ponies from the TCB stories I am referring to are egotistical jerks that think they can do no wrong and believe that they can do whatever they want to us because we are a so called 'lesser' species.

This trope:

4514907 Hopefully not all of them would be like that. But yeah I'd still be against the ponies for what they did. However I'd put that aside for the sake of the humans in the reservation. If I and others continued to wage war the ponies might decide to eradicate us completely so I'll hold it in.

You are literally describing the events of the American Indian Wars.

-Genocidal conflict against aboriginal inhabitants
-Use of ethnic cleansing to replace populace
-Forced relocation to marginal lands unsuited to aboriginal lifestyle
-Decades of rebellion/war/guerrilla attacks against conqueror
-Ultimately failure to secure any meaningful concessions from conqueror/most Aboriginals die anyways
-History rewritten and sanitized for future generations

4514695 May I ask which story that is?

4514679 There's two very important reasons why this was not done.

1. Even though Celestia does control what can and can't go through the barrier, she does not have any control over the fact that thaumic radiation, a.k.a. "magic" is destructive to humans and other high-level primates on a cellular level. This is why people are forced to evacuate as the bubble grows, because the thaumic radiation kills people. This is the sickness referred to as "Mage Plague".

2. Celestia has seen with her own eyes the kind of terrible destruction that mankind is capable of. The mentality of the primate mind is so vastly different from the herd-oriented pony mind. While she did make a promise to save humanity from itself, she has no intention of allowing the violent and destructive culture of mankind to taint Equestria in any way that is avoidable.

So ultimately, there's just no way that they're going to go through that bubble as anything but a pony, both in body AND mind.


Well then...

I hope these TCB Ponies all die horribly in the worst possible way when an even more superior species comes along to destroy them for being inferior.

Superior Species: All ponies are evil scum and need to be destroyed!

And the cycle begins again with an even more superior species destroys the species that destroyed the ponies.

And another species comes along to destroy this species... and so and on.

4521730 If you haven't read "Code Majeste", you should.

While ponies themselves are gentle, easy going and herd-minded creatures, alicorns are not.

They are magic incarnate, and capable of altering reality itself on the merest whim or thought. An alicorn not in absolute control of their every thought and desire could cause oceans to boil and the sun to implode, even tear the very fabric of reality itself.

Needless to say, there isn't going to be a superior species coming along.

Bendy #19 · Jul 3rd, 2015 · · 5 ·


Overpowered horse magic made by bronies.

Ponies are nothing but a thing from a cartoon show. There are far more powerful things outs there than silly cartoon horses. Beings capable of destroying the entire multiverse if they wanted to, whilst simultaneously being able to recreate it if they wish to.

4521769 I do not understand the basis for your argument here. The entire point of this discussion is to talk about how things within the "The Conversion Bureau" universe work. To point out the fact that it's a fictional universe created by fans is a fallacy, because that also undermines your arguments AND your original question to boot. It makes no sense to bring that into the conversation, and it's the equivalent of ending an argument with "well... you're stupid!" or something to that effect.

The very fact that it's a fictional universe means that any "far more powerful things" that are out there in the real universe have no relation to it because well, it's a fictional universe. Either we're arguing about the TCB universe, in which alicorns exist, or we're talking about our universe, in which TCB does not exist and the whole point is irrelevant.

Bendy #21 · Jul 4th, 2015 · · 6 ·


'The Conversion Bureau" universe work'

Many of the stories are about an overpowered, omnipotent magical horse known as Princess Celestia who is invincible. Therefore you technically win any argument due the the fact she's an overpowered mary sue.

So, there is nothing I can say to counter your argument. Due to the fact Princess Celestia in TCB is an omnipotent and all knowing mary sue god. She can commit genocide and even eat human babies due to the fact she has no one to answer to for her actions. Being omnipotent she can do whatever she wants and still be the 'good guy' no matter what.

So... I have no other choice to bring out arms outside the Conversion Bureau universe to counter your argument.

Yes, that is the general depiction of Princess Celestia in this universe. Hence why it's in the "Alternate Universe" category. Though I will mention that she is omnipotent, but not omnipresent.

I'm honestly not sure what point you are arguing towards. You originally asked a question, which I answered. You cannot argue that Celestia isn't omnipotent in this series, because it's established as canon. Using things outside of the TCB universe to argue a point inside the TCB universe does not work, because it's not part of that universe.

I'm not trying to have an argument with you. I'm trying to explain to you what is canon within The Conversion Bureau.


There is no point. I wish the Conversion Bureau Equestria to burn and be placed under occupation from human military and the ponies closely watched. You wish all humans to be turned into ponies.

There can be no common ground really.

So, I think it's time I leave this group. I'm done arguing.

4521965 Now I'm even more confused. I never stated my opinions about what should happen inside the TCB universe, I simply explained to you what is canon inside of it. Are you saying that you wish The Conversion Bureau as a fic did not exist? Because then yes, I would agree it's time you left this group. But if you're arguing about what should happen inside The Conversion Bureau universe, then we are talking about two completely different things.

Group Admin

Dunno if the runaway comment back and forth is done or not, but if it's not, then the brakes need to be applied. Keep in mind that each author is the one directing the specific events for their stories, there is no overarching requirments aside from humans -> ponies (or other species). So if you want to have humanity survive, then you're more than welcome to do so. But the blanket accusations against everyone who writes a TCB story are waay past stale and starting to grow funny blue mold.

There can be no common ground really.

If you're going to start spouting that, then please, the door is right there.


are waay past stale and starting to grow funny blue mold.

I need to remember that phrase, it made me giggle.

I'm sorry if I caused any drama... but yeah I'm gone. You won't see me again.

Actuality, there is one story with a Human reservation: "The City In Gold" by Chatoyance

Well, cultural Humans. They were still transformed into Ponies. And it's three neighboring reservations: One British/American, one Russian, and one Chinese.

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