Author Support 2,072 members · 4,386 stories
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Hey there, folks!

Well, since this group is to support authors in any form, may I bring your attention to the method of reading other authors stories and provide them with useful feedback? Also known as Reviews!

Since 2018 our group, My Little Reviews & Feedback

provides authors with exactly that. We read your stories and sum up our thoughts in the form of a review. We did so with great success and have made hundreds of reviews already for nearly any kind of story!

Now however, we are working on expanding our team of reviewers! And I know here must be some people with the right spirit for that!

Interested? Visit the link to our ‘How to become a reviewerthread to learn more :pinkiehappy:

We would happily welcome you in our group of course, regardless if you want to be a reviewer or not :twilightsmile:

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