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Hi, I've been working on and off on a fic for a while that is a mature-rated action-adventure and is the first of several, long arcs. It is still a WIP and I have been trying to find an editor/proofreader for a while now both on and off the site, but with no luck so far. Looking for someone with some talent for either/or and yes, I am willing to pay so, if you are a decent editor/proofreader or know someone who is, please dm me as soon as you can either on this site or my Twitter ( If you have any questions, please, feel free to ask. I'm afraid I can only provide a link to the "unpublished view" at this time, and that will require a password as I don't want to publish it until I have, at least, one or two people take a good look at it (

It takes place in an alternate universe of Equestria and starts at the same time is the episode "All Bottled Up", and sees Twilight and the others attacked and nearly killed on the way back from their friendship retreat. As a result, Celestia places them under the protection of an elite team of soldiers and a human mercenary that Twilight knows (and does not get along with), but very quickly, they start to suspect that things are not what they seem, and the two have to put aside their differences and learn from one and other if they're going to survive and save the world.

I've never written a whole story before so, I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong so, any input would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

There's a group here who proofreading and editing for free. Just type in proofreader in the group search box.

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