The Whodunnit? Youdunnit! Contest Group 34 members · 12 stories
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"Darling!" Rarity said to Rainbow Dash, prancing a little in place. "It's time for the results!"

"Finally!" Rainbow replied. "What took that human guy so long?"

"He was writing a novel, apparently."

"What, like Daring Do?"

"Something along those lines," Rarity said. "In any case, I have his notes here. Did you read the entries, Rainbow Dash?"

"Of course!" Rainbow said, puffing out her chest. "In half the time!"

"Not very thoroughly, then."

"Hey! I'm good at reading!"

Rarity laughed. "That you are, darling. Anyway, I have also read the entries, so we will both be offering our own critiques in addition to RB's. Are you ready?"

Rainbow smirked. "Duh."

Rarity smiled. "Then let us get this show on the road!"

Honourable Mention:

Funeral Pyre by VioletsInSpring

TFuneral Pyre
Tragedy besets Ponyville after an unknown monster appears. But is it really as otherworldly as it seems?
VioletsInSpring · 20k words · 223 views

A lot of the entries interpreted the prompt in the simplest manner: by having their protagonists simply not be a detective. This entry does that, but also continually hammers home that fact, using it as a place of self-doubt for Rarity. It also includes a very well-written Pinkie Pie, and a well-hidden clue that the entire mystery hinges upon. This was the first story entered into the contest, and it kicked the whole thing off on a high note.

This was this author's fourth story, and it shows considerable promise. Bravo!

The pyrewolf was so cool! I could take it though. If it was real.

Honourable Mention:

The Illusions' Case: The Stolen Salamander by gapty

[Unpublished stories cannot be embedded]

This entry had a very weak mystery, which is a death sentence in a mystery-writing contest. But I wanted to highlight it here in the honourable mentions because of its strong character writing. Trixie in this story is on the autism spectrum, and the story is about her learning to overcome that and connect better with her friends, and it is very sweet. That it gives the Illusions, Trixie's compatriots from her band in Rainbow Rocks, distinct personalities is a really nice bonus. Overall, this is a very pleasant story.

Positive representation is important, darlings!

Okay but what's the deal with these 'human' things, anyway? They have, like, hands? Gross...

Third Place:

Elementary, My Dear Starlight by MagnetBolt

TElementary, My Dear Starlight
When a mysterious death occurs in Canterlot, only Equestria's greatest detective can solve the mystery! Unfortunately, Trixie is on the case instead.
MagnetBolt · 3.4k words  ·  128  1 · 1.1k views

I can respect an author that can fit a lot into a few words. This entry clocks in at 3,393 words, the shortest in the contest. And yet it manages to fit a lot of clever writing, jokes, and clues into that short space, which also makes it one of the tightest stories in the contest. It's very impressive, and well worth a read.

The one thing that detracted from this story, a coloured text gimmick that didn't really go anywhere, was nowhere near enough to ruin this entry's strengths. And the murder weapon? A classic.

This one was hilarious! I love laughing at Trixie. It's my favourite pastime.

Second Place:

The Lady in the Cake by TheInfamousFly

TThe Lady in the Cake
When Pinkie Pie is poisoned, it's up to Rarity to find out who did-done-dood it.
TheInfamousFly · 20k words  ·  11  2 · 307 views

This story had perhaps the best mystery in the contest. Full of twists and turns, with a dramatic reveal and a detective's ploy for hard evidence proving the criminal's guilt. It's also a very engaging read. It did perhaps need another editing pass, but it was very difficult to choose between this and first place. The lead changed several times!

Ooh, I was very impressed with my role in this one! And the twists, who could see them coming but moi! I'm flattered, darling.

I did NOT see some of that coming. And I'm a pretty good reader!

And at last:

First Place:

Sakura Blizzard by Lunaria

TSakura Blizzard
A playing at a private estate was hardly unordinary for Octavia, despite how early in her career she still was. The murder of a groom to be right after their engagement? Less so.
Lunaria · 19k words  ·  13  1 · 277 views

This was my personal favourite in the contest, and I'm glad it ended up being number one (although again, it was very close). The mystery was solid, but the real charm here is the story, characters, and the atmosphere. It uses the prompt the best out of all the entries, with Octavia not only not being a detective but also believing herself that she is not a detective, having to tell others she is not a detective, but ultimately proving that she does, in fact, have what it takes to be a detective. It is very strong. It also completely stumped me!

The only disappointment here, darling, is that the story feels like it is missing a chunk that is set up from the beginning but never paid off. But, of course, that's RB's fault for setting the word limit too low for the author to properly craft their vision.

The twist with Polo was great! It makes so much sense, but I didn't see it coming at all!

And that's a wrap everyone! Winners, expect PMs in the coming days regarding your prizes. Everyone else, please check out the other entries! (And don't think I've forgotten you, in-spirit entry!)

I'm RB, standing in for Rainbow Dash and Rarity, wishing you all the best!


(And now, to escape to Equestria—ah, they closed the portal on me. Typical.)

Oh, uh, I didn't exactly expect to place quite this well. :twilightblush:

The entries I've gotten around to reading were generally all really good and tried different things. So big shoutouts to everyone who entered. And also, big thanks to RB for hosting this contest!

Wait, honourable mention? I smell foul play (gives RB the bribery money)

Anyway, now more serious: Congrats to all the winners, and thanks to the organiser for making a contest for a rather rare but enjoyable genre! :twilightsmile:

Congratulations to the winners and honorable mentions!

I may have done poorly this time, but I am determined to win if there's another one of these. Kinda lit a fire under me to do better!

Plus, I have a bunch of new mysteries to read! That's prize enough for me.

Well, mine was the only one consisting entirely out of original characters, in an alt world, and made the choice to state who did will do it near the start. The odds were already heavily against me, but the contest gave me a reason to finally make the third SHMM story after four years of drifting around in my noodle.

I honestly don't think I'll be able to top what I wrote as an entry for the SHMM series, but I know I'll have better luck next time. After all, I can see that the fourth entry will lead itself toward the Irish culture for its inspiration.

Congrats to all the winners and honorable mentions.

I just hoped my ability to write stories improved a little bit at least with this contest. That's really all I'm hoping for, improvement.

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