Choices: A Species Change Contest 91 members · 17 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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Nitro Indigo
Group Admin

It's been the 1st of December for almost 15 hours in the UK. A few entries were posted a few hours after the deadline, but disqualifying them feels mean, so they still count.

Man, I have 3 chapters in a story I wanted to post to the contest, but I had too much IRL stuff to do. I still want to finish it, though.

I guess I'll make it a side project.

Being generous with time zones is often the best call. The winner of my last contest came in after my local midnight at the end of the final day.

In any case, best of luck to all entrants and good luck to the judges!

I'm hype!

Good luck to everyone!!!

I'm also hype, can't wait to hear the results whether I place or not :yay:

Good luck to everyone! I've had a lot of fun reading through entries as im able!

Shame I couldn't craft a good-enough story for the contest...Alicorn Wishes isn't my finest work.

But good luck to all entrants regardless.

Great job everyone! Looking forward to reading through all the entries.

Hows it going? It's been ten days since the folder closed. I know there's a few doorstoppers though in the entry pile.

Nitro Indigo
Group Admin

7776473 We're still reading through them. I finished With Sunset Comes the Night yesterday, which took me ages because it has two long chapters... that, and I bought a game on Steam's autumn sale that ate up most of my time for the last week of November.

Inspired by:

This contest, I took one of my old non-pony stories and rewrote it with Spike as a human and Twilight as the little dragon who lives on top of his bookcase. :pinkiesmile:

EOne Thin Dime
Spike's a young man who works at the local library. Twilight's the parrot-sized dragon who lives on top of the bookcase in his apartment. Twilight's made it clear that she'd rather not talk about where she came from, so Spike doesn't ask anymore.
AugieDog · 7.7k words  ·  68  1 · 878 views


Anything that participants can do to help the judges?

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