Jazz and Rocky fan group 27 members · 37 stories
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Group Admin
  • Forums are free to use
  • Just follow the site rules and the rules I have for them
  • Forum posts doesn’t have to be about MLP
  • You can talk about a new movie, discuss an upcoming game, ask for advice in your writing, post pictures of your pet. As long as it follows site rules (they come first)
  • Self advertising is allowed
  • But please only do it with stories and stuff like something you made on YouTube, Derpi, whatever other trusted/well known sites there are. Nothing suspicious, okay? Like some random site we don’t know. Also, please only do this once every two months. I don’t want this to be the focus as there’s plenty of other groups for this
  • What you can’t post:
  • NSFW, Links to dodgy sites, links or anything leading to any illegal or dangerous situations, activities or risks. Gorey stuff. Even if it’s in a video game or movie. If it’s not something you’d show someone under 18, then don’t post it. Also, no politics or controversial topics. I want everyone to be comfortable and safe here.
  • Thread limit
  • Two threads per day per person. However, I may let an occasional third thread slide, but no promises
  • Keep swearing to a minimum
  • Also, doesn’t matter if you believe in God or not. Please do not use His name as a swear, it’s just polite not to. There’s book of words you could use instead. This goes with the next rule
  • Be respectful
  • No swearing towards others. No bashing people based on their race, name, looks, country, lifestyle, religion. That includes forcing things onto others or making fun of them for any reason. Or insulting then
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