Elden Rings & Soulslike Things 17 members · 0 stories
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My time spent farming in Caelid has paid off.
My sorcerer has gotten enough power.

Took me two tries, but Margot got whacked.
Um, and I killed him.

Gotta remember to send flowers to Sorcerer Rogier's kin.
Maybe a wreath made of tarnished sunflowers and faded erd flowers?

Oh and Gostoc's treachery has been dealt with.
No one locks me in a dark room with Bobby Kotick.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Congratulations! I've made, well, no progress. My XBox is in a particularly hot spot in my apartment, so I've kinda been avoiding it, and playing stuff on my computer instead, which I can't do anything with that save file on. I'm pretty far along with a character in Dark Souls 1 that's whacking everything with a Black Knight's Halberd now, though. (Got a lucky drop right at the start, and decided to just go with it...)

As far as Sorcerer Rogier, don't write him off yet. He might still be hanging around someplace in Stormveil Castle, or he might even show up in the hub. I met him in both places at one point or another...

Yeah, Gostoc was kinda stealing runes from you, too, though as long as you offed him before killing Godrick you got them back. Take his ball bearing to that merchant in the hub. There's a lady near Godrick's boss fight that you can summon if you meet, too. (I think I heard cut content says Gostoc was Godrick's son?)

--Sweetie Belle

Well, I hope things cool down for your Xbox.

Stormveil Castle is a dump.
Holes in the walls.
Dirtbags tossing bombs.
Did they forget being welcoming for guests.

Birds with knives on their talons.
The pigeons near me pack heat so birds with knives are no big deal.
Well, if they don't appear out of nowhere.

Being locked in a dark room with Bobby Kotick sucked.
The room is dark, and before I could think about what to do.
BANG! Diablo Immoral is installed on my hard drive and I'm $35,000 in debt.
So you know I had to make Gostoc pay.
And yeah the weird sisters got his ball bearing.

After I killed Morgot, I remembered I could've got his shackle from Patches.
Well, I could get the shackle anyway.
You can use it to trigger the flame traps off and on.
Nothing like tricking imps into a flame trap.
It smells like, victory.

And Stormveil castle has too many high places.
Not a big fan of those.
Not at all.

Side note:
Have you tried Ghostwire Tokyo?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Cooling down would be nice...

There's one room that is always like 5 degrees higher than the rest of my apartment. It was my bedroom, but I moved the bed out of there in self defense...

And yeah, Stormveil is a dump. Those birds are irritating when they swoop in from nowhere. Worse than the dogs. You can do a lot of parkour in Stormveil, too.

There's one of those guys that killed you at the start in the castle, too. Running by him isn't too hard, tho'.

Get the shackle anyways, since you still might run into Morgot's brother Morgot, or his other brother Morgot later. You will want to kill Rick in Stormveil castle, too, eventually, but I don't really feel like he's as difficult as Morgot.

Haven't actually tried Ghostwire Tokyo. I remember it looked neat a long time ago, way before it was released, but I haven't really checked back.

--Sweetie Belle

Before I got air conditioning, those temps would scare me.
Well, they still do.

You will want to kill Rick in Stormveil castle, too, eventually, but I don't really feel like he's as difficult as Morgot.

I thought he sticks the stump of his chopped off hand into a dragon's no no place, and uses that as a weapon.
Morgot jumps around, and is in your face which is bad for ranged folks.

Rick and Morgot might not be a good show to watch.

There's one of those guys that killed you at the start in the castle, too. Running by him isn't too hard, tho'.

I remember you!
*Foul creature gestures at me to bring it on!*
You shall die this day or the next or oh crap get away from me!

I will have fun storming the castle.

Ghostwire Tokyo first impressions
Like Elden Ring, you can wander around and get into scraps, and eventually do the main missions if you want.
It might make the game easier to faff about a bit instead of beelining straight through the main missions.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Before I got air conditioning, those temps would scare me.
Well, they still do.

Yeah, and that room has two windows that don't keep the heat out well, even with the blackout curtains I put over them...

I thought he sticks the stump of his chopped off hand into a dragon's no no place, and uses that as a weapon.
Morgot jumps around, and is in your face which is bad for ranged folks.

Rick and Morgot might not be a good show to watch.

With Rick's fight, I'm not likely to accidentally fall down to my death, which helps. If I remember, I summoned the lady I met not far away from his boss area as well as my jellyfish, and kept a good distance away from him the whole fight, just casting Rock Sling over and over. So for me, it ended up as a not particularly difficult fight...

I remember you!
*Foul creature gestures at me to bring it on!*
You shall die this day or the next or oh crap get away from me!

I will have fun storming the castle.

You know, it's actually possible to get back to the starting area and take on the original one that killed you, too. Doing that and killing it was rather satisfying.

Ghostwire Tokyo probably is a game I'll check out sometime, just more likely I'll pick it up in a sale. I still need to get around to actually playing Stray, rather than just watching people play it...

--Sweetie Belle


Yeah, and that room has two windows that don't keep the heat out well, even with the blackout curtains I put over them...

My condolences.
My room can get hot, and it just has one window, but it doesn't get that much air circulation.

With Rick's fight, I'm not likely to accidentally fall down to my death, which helps. If I remember, I summoned the lady I met not far away from his boss area as well as my jellyfish, and kept a good distance away from him the whole fight, just casting Rock Sling over and over. So for me, it ended up as a not particularly difficult fight...

That's good to know since my sorcerer likes to attack at range.
Now if I could get that Glintstone Railgun or Glintstone Tactical nuke.

I hear Rock and Roll Sling is better.
It makes enemies head bang until unconscious.

There's an action RPG called Victor Vran and one of the addons is a campaign in which you help the group Motorhead.
One of your weapons is a guitar, and there is an ability that makes enemies head bang.

Ghostwire Tokyo probably is a game I'll check out sometime, just more likely I'll pick it up in a sale. I still need to get around to actually playing Stray, rather than just watching people play it

Sounds good.
I'm not into playing a cat so I'll skip Stray.
Hopefully Diablo four and Starfield will be of value, and not cause too much gnashing of teeth.

Cyberpunk 2077 got some new weapons and one of them is a mini chainsaw.
So if you want to play Space Marine, and pretend you have a chainsword, here's your chance.

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