Elden Rings & Soulslike Things 17 members · 0 stories
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Recently in a playthrough, a couple of funny things happened and I wanted to share.

So, I play mostly with my friend, I was running a dex build with Hand of Malenia transferred over from my first run through the game, and I was showing my friend the way to a deathroot. On the way, in this little hallway with windows leading to the kill plane, we get invaded.

I try to fight the invader, and thanks to lock-on, I Waterfowl Danced my butt right out a window and to my death, that was honestly hilarious due to how unexpected it was. (And not the first time I've used a skill to yeet myself to my doom on accident)

On that same day, we were fighting a putrid tree spirit, with my friend baiting it, the thing gets stuck on something on bugs out hard enough to kill itself. It was half health and suddenly dead. Was really odd, but hey, got a quest done because of it.

Anyone have any fun stories about their journey through The Lands Between?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Not sure if this really counts, since I did it deliberately.

I walked up to Margit's boss fog, used Margit's Shackle twice, then entered. Margit just stood there, not moving. I then summoned my jellyfish, then just did the sitting sideways gesture, and watched as she slowly took out Margit, as he continued not to move.

As far as something I didn't do deliberately, there was the Windmill Village bossfight. I quickly figured out my best bet was taking out all the dancers before fighting the Godskin Apostle. I fell off a cliff at least twice fighting him, too.

The last time I fought him, though, it abruptly ended when he jumped and vanished, and when I walked back to where he originally attacked me, it suddenly said he was vanquished and gave me the runes and such. I think he died from fall damage, then bugged out.

Honestly was pretty funny the first time a giant hand showed up out of nowhere and killed me, too, but that probably happened to everyone.

--Sweetie Belle

It's funny how you can just break boss AI sometimes.

I've noticed a lot of the bosses seem a bit buggy with recent updates, it's funny when they just nope out of the map though. Free win.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yeah. I think the trick on Margit is that by using the shackle just outside the boss fog, they are still in range, but when you enter, you didn't use it during the fight, so it doesn't know to end the effect. Though it seemed like if you got close enough, he snaps out of it, which is one reason I just sat near the entrance.

I'm actually all in favor of cheesing any boss fights I can. In Dark Souls 1, I always kill the Capra Demon with fire bombs from outside the boss fog, and in Dark Souls 2, the Dragon Rider always plunges off the platform to his death at the beginning of the fight. (The Pursuer usually dies to a ballista for me, but I think that's actually what you are intended to do.)

I think the update before last had boss glitches, then they were supposed to have fixed them in the last one.

I wish some of the bosses would glitch for me, really. I had so much trouble with the Fire Giant. Key to beating him for me was noting my warrior jar friends summon sign was there, and then realizing that on phase 2, he was suddenly so far away from the boss that I had to lead the fire giant back to him.

--Sweetie Belle

I resorted to Rivers of Blood cheese at the end of my first playthrough, end game just screws over pure melee builds so damn much.

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