Tales of Shadows and Stars 24 members · 7 stories
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Angel Midnight
Group Admin

The Equestrian Royal Guard is the name for the entirety of the guards who work as a combined army and police force in Equestria.


Equestria was founded as a country early in the year 0503. The leaders of the three pony tribes decided that the fairest way of ruling would be to form a government consisting of all three of them in charge, and their aides and allies from their respective kingdoms. The armies of the three kingdoms were merged in a similar fashion, however the system’s structure was not very effective as there were too many ponies in positions of power, some of whom attempted to abuse said power, and others who bickered constantly about how best to run the country, leading to a lack of progress in development in the wake of the windigos’ attack. 

After their legendary powers to raise the sun and moon were discovered, Celestia and Luna were launched into being tutored in every skill which they would need to become the most advanced mages. Pressure from the disgruntled public eventually forced the Government of the Unified Lands of Equestria to make a statement saying that they would resign as soon as both fillies were able to rule. After this statement was made, Celestia and Luna began to be taught about politics and leadership and how to rule. 

One of the first decisions that the Sisters made after being chosen to succeed as the next rulers of Equestria was to reform the system for the army. Though the Sisters themselves were too young to remember most of its events, the Year-Long Winter was still fresh in the majority of ponies’ minds and they felt that the country needed to be more adequately protected in case of another attack from the windigos or any other threat to the country. In some areas there were also high crime rates due to poverty and the lack of development that had taken place. 

Celestia and Luna set about discussing with the leaders of the old pony kingdoms’ armies and other prevalent historical figures as to how the army should be structured. Eventually they were able to decide on the amount of ranks to have and the size of each section of their defence and police force, and when the Princesses were crowned, the new Equestrian Royal Guard was officially founded.

In the year 0602, to celebrate Luna’s hundredth birthday, she was asked by her aides at the time what she would most enjoy as a present. Her response was that she wanted her own personal guards “separate from mine sister Tia’s, for the defence of myself, the dearest subjects of mine and the matters closest to my heart.” Celestia initially dismissed the idea as ridiculous and unnecessary, but Luna’s determination led to the majority of the government approving of the idea of not just a few guards specific to Luna’s castle, but an entire new wing of the Royal Guard. 

After having witnessed their poor treatment and isolation, she announced that recruitment for her guards would be offered to bat ponies first before it was opened up to the rest of the public. The bat ponies’ perceived appearance and nature, alongside Luna’s name and separate identity from Celestia, contributed to one of the Princesses’ advisors suggesting that the Royal Guards should be separated into the Celestial Guards and Lunar Guards, which eventually became the Solar and Lunar Guards. 


Solar and Lunar Guards

In the year 0602 A.G, Luna announced that she wanted her own personal guards which led to the Equestrian Royal Guards being separated into the Solar and Lunar Guards. Both sections have a similar format in terms of the ranks of the guards and everypony receives similar training, although there have been rumours for centuries that the Lunar Guards have closed magical practices within their training which is not disclosed to the public.

After the ascension and coronation of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, the idea of having a third section of the Royal Guard was briefly discussed but overall the idea was declined, including by Princess Cadance herself.

The Corona Guard 

The Corona Guard, colloquially known as the Inner Circle, is the group of the most highly-ranked officials within the Equestrian Royal Guard. It consists of members from both the Solar and Lunar Guard. Being promoted to this level requires approval from two or more members of the Corona Guard, at least sixty votes for the position from members of the rest of the Royal Guard, and the approval of one of the Princesses. 

This post is currently a work in progress, but I’ll expand it and add links to other posts here as time goes on. 

~ Angel 

very nice. Makes me wonder about something regarding the show

Angel Midnight
Group Admin

Do ask your burning question. I'm in the mood for being curious.

well, what would be your in universe explanation how the royal guards share the same appearance as they do in the show?

Angel Midnight
Group Admin

In the canon of the Shadows and Stars AU, most of the guards do look different. I have an explanation for the times when they all appear the same, but that's going to have to wait for another upcoming lore post. :raritywink:

okay, many like to think they are clones. I have it more reasonable that the armor is enchanted, like from an old tradition or more difficult time, where guards had to protect/hide their identities on duty.

By the way, you need a a laugh?

Angel Midnight
Group Admin

Sure. Send me a PM. :)

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