Tales of Shadows and Stars 24 members · 7 stories
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Angel Midnight
Group Admin

Nightmare Night. An ancient tradition taking place on every October 31st, in which ponies dress up in spooky costumes and participate in activities such as trick-or-treating, apple bobbing and storytelling. But what is the true story behind this ancient tradition?

It is known by all ponies across Equestria that the tradition is here because of Nightmare Moon. The legend goes that her spirit would escape the moon once a year to haunt ponies and cause havoc. This may or may not be true. And Moonlight… may or may not have had something to do with this.

Whilst it took a while for her and Nightmare Moon to trust each other and form the close friendship they had by the time of their official return to Equis, the one thing they could agree on from day one was that they needed to find a way of escaping from the moon and go home. Unfortunately, the magic of the Elements of Harmony prevented them from going back to Equis for most of the year, but on certain days of the year the spell that kept them trapped on the moon was weakened. One of these occasions was October 31st. Each year, the two of them could escape for a short time and do as they pleased on Equis. However, Nightmare Moon in particular was feared by all who saw her, only fuelling the feelings of hatred towards her sister.

After a few consecutive years of the ponies of Equestria being haunted by Nightmare Moon on one night of the year, ponies began to try to find ways of keeping her at least a wing's length away. Terrifying costumes in an attempt to scare her, offerings of food left on doorsteps or in rural locations away from towns and villages. Meanwhile, Celestia had her own ideas - different spells and charms, tracking Nightmare and trying to confront her, using the Elements of Harmony - none of which actually worked. There was nothing that could be done.

Over the years, this presumably was a cause of great annoyance to Celestia, but the annual return of Nightmare Moon (and on a couple of occasions once every ten years or so, the “Daughter of the Night”) became a huge celebration. It fuelled the fear of Nightmare Moon in some ways, yes, but publicity is publicity. At least Luna and Moonlight weren’t completely forgotten by history.

~ Angel

A interesting take. Though, can't imagine shade would like scaring foals

Angel Midnight
Group Admin

Nightmare Moon did most of the scaring ponies. Moonlight just took advantage of the free food. :rainbowlaugh:

Oh...now I can't help but imagine cozy dressing up as nightmare moon

Angel Midnight
Group Admin


Can't say if shade would be amused or upset due to her connection

Angel Midnight
Group Admin

Maybe she would be a bit annoyed at first, but in the end she'd find it funny and teach Cozy how to talk in NMM's accent.

fair point. you know, now i wonder how she would react towards Nyx

Angel Midnight
Group Admin

Nyx from Past Sins?

Moonlight's POV

The filly has a dark blue-black coat, draconian cyan eyes, and a dark purple mane. She has a unicorn horn, but also a pair of large wings by her sides, similar to Nightmare Moon's. Actually, the more I look at her, the more similar she seems to Nightmare.

"Um," I say. "Luna?"

The filly shakes her head. "Close, but not quite. My name's Nyx. I guess I'm a bit like your sister..."

We lock eyes for a moment, and I read her mind for a moment. Images flash before my mind's eye: crowds of ponies dressed in blue armour and capes; Twilight Sparkle, bound and gagged; a flash of dark magic; an Old Ponish chant; and Nyx and Twilight hugging.

Ponies used to think that I was born from a dark magic ritual, that I was the daughter of Nightmare Moon, destined to be a force for evil.

This filly... she is.

She's my sister, alright. And I'm sure as Tartarus going to make sure that history doesn't repeat itself with her.

Without thinking I hug her, and she hugs me back. I think I shock everypony in the room, but I couldn't care less.

"Hey, Nyx," I say. "Hey, sister."

Angel Midnight
Group Admin

*cue Moonlight, Nyx and Luna messing around by pretending to bring about eternal night, and Sombra having to clear up the mess*

Angel Midnight
Group Admin

Note to self: Write this.

please, don't overwork yourself

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