Ponies Are Superior But Not Evil 33 members · 3 stories
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Group Admin

I think LOTR elves are a perfect example of good (nonhostile to humanity) superior races over humanity.

Immortality check, supreme fighting skills, can freely sail away to the Undying Lands and leave Middle Earth to its fate. But chooses to stand side by side with mere mortal humans against the dark lord Sauron.

I wouldn't call LotR elves 'good'.

Benign, maybe, but they can be prone to arrogance and have needlessly hostile tendencies.

Group Admin

Compared to what I've seen in this fandom... they are heroes. Again, they could just leave Middle Earth and let it get murdered by Mordor's army of darkness. But don't.

They only leave since Morgoth is slowly killing them. As in forced to sail to the undying lands.

Your response is not really relevant to my point.

Group Admin

Yeah. They aren't really perfect, the LOTR Elves. They still have flaws. One critical weakness that don't reproduce as fast as the other races. Elves only marry and have kids for true love basically. So, they lack numbers.

Again, not my point.

Ultimately, I was just saying that they fall more under the classification of 'benign' than 'good'.

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