The Musical Theatre Group 26 members · 4 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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Group Admin

1. If you have a story you want to put in a folder go to the appropriate one.

If you have a story that’s related to Broadway/West End musicals then put them in the appropriate folder. If it’s crossovers put it in the crossover folder but only if the story has a crossover with musicals like Wicked or Hamilton. If you have stories that are just regular I’ll allow a General folder for you to put them in.

2. No anti-lgbtq, racist, sexist, or any discriminatory comments.

This pretty much explains itself so yeah. Anyways if any trace of racist or negative derogatory comments is found than you’ll get an instant ban with no questions asked.

3. No attacking someone for liking a musical you don’t like or make a thread that backlashes a musical. (Also No Spamming)

No one likes a critic trying to criticize someone’s favorite thing. I know it’s your opinion but some people just don’t wanna hear so if you don’t like a musical that someone else likes don’t go down with “stop liking what I don’t like” just say I don’t like it as much and state a bit of your reasoning or something but don’t go too far alright.

If you go thru this trouble repeatedly than we’ll start with a warning but if you don’t cooperate than we have no choice but to ban you. Spams as well so we’ll warn you but then bam if you keep breaking the rule.

4. Keep things PG to PG 13 around here

Sorry but no M rated stuff especially clop. some people left

5. Threads are only for Musical Theatre and Musical Film talk.

Of course you’re allowed to do MLP talk as long as there are musical numbers from any episodes.

6. Lastly the site rules on groups apply to this.

Group Admin

So PG to PG 13 is basically... 'T' rated stories?

Group Admin

You definitely won't like 'A Man Undercover' in terms of one particular rule. He'd give me a headache just because he insists 'same-sex' pairings are 'against God's will' and all that shit. Rubs people the wrong way every freaking time.

Group Admin

Ssssssssssssssssss... oof

Didn’t think that would come out to hit this rule

Group Admin

Just as warning. I know that guy... we were 'nearly' friends. Then the episode with the two aunts came out, he made those disrespectful comments about them. I tried to implore him to reconsider, he refused... and he's been a bitter enemy ever since. Kicked him out of several groups for his behavior.

Group Admin

Whoa. Big oof there. Not trying to bad mouth him but

Once he made a review ranting on Space Jam. Everything if not most things he says I contradicted and even told him myself but sadly still goes along the line.

Group Admin

Yeah... that sounds just like him. A man who believes more in the passages of a book than his own mind.

Makes church goers like me look terrible.

Group Admin

I mean hey god says come as you are

Group Admin

Now that I can agree on and I'm not an entirely religious man (I only really go to church for the music).

Group Admin

I do have some religious belief for Jesus but I do have beliefs that he loves everyone despite flaws like being gay or even being different in general or cuz of simple mistakes.

My spiritual or religious belief is practically different from traditional who thinks gay is sin.

Group Admin

Personally, I prefer 'that' version than the 'traditional' sense.

Group Admin


I mean sure tradition senses but just because it’s tradition doesn’t mean it’s entirely good

Group Admin

Like in 'FIddler on the Roof' for example. Just because it's important to uphold tradition it doesn't mean they are all right. Otherwise, Tzietel would not have been able to marry her childhood friend. The one daughter would not have been able to be with Perchik. Hell, Tevye disowned Chava just because she decided to marry a man who was not even part of their faith. That was a hard scene to watch. Heck I was in the 'Junior' version of that musical and it's still pretty tough (I didn't get to be Tevye, but I 'did' get to be Perchik).

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