Comments ( 15 )
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The ShimGlim Contest is getting a 2-week extension!

THE NEW DEADLINE IS SUNDAY, JULY 17 (end-of-day Eastern Time)!!

Don’t delay! There will only be one second chance!

Art by emeraldblast63

Rules here:
Submit entries here:

Group Contributor

Two weekends left before the final deadline, so now's the perfect time to get started! We want *your* stories!

Art by jadeharmony

One week to go!

THREE DAYS LEFT! Use this last weekend wisely!

The final 24 hours has begun! Last chance! All you need is 1000 words…

Last call! Just under 12 hours remaining!!

You can still do it! Speedwrite!

Final three hours! Last chance to submit for full credit!

Group Admin

As a competitor who might be considered to have a conflict of interest, I would like to point out that

THigh Secret Relationship
Every weekend, Sunset Shimmer leaves her apartment in secret to meet with a very special friend.
The Sleepless Beholder · 1000 words  ·  45  10 · 858 views

properly beat the official contest deadline.

Contest is CLOSED for full-credit entries! We got 3!

We’ll have a folder up soon for late submissions!

Group Admin

As a competitor who might be considered to have a conflict of interest, I would like to point out that

Juniper Montage won. Fifteen years ago.
Bicyclette · 1.8k words  ·  87  21 · 1.6k views

properly beat the official contest deadline.

Yes, I was counting that one. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Oh, and after I started posting these comments, I saw that EileenSaysHi was also noting these stories' arrivals and remarking in a discord server.

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