Pipp Petals 215 members · 331 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Hello, fellow Pippsqueaks.

How would you all feel about an "Operation Make Pipp Petals Loveable" story contest?

The contest would be for stories that focus on showing Pipp Petals in a way where we can sympathize with her struggles, her flaws, or her quirks. Because Pipp deserves more wholesome love. :heart:

I would judge the entries, along with possibly one or two co-judges. I don't have money to give out as prizes (unless someone would like to join me and fund prizes), but I was thinking of giving out small free commissions (~2000 words) as prizes. I've never held a writing contest before, so I would also need some people to help publicize it.

Like this comment if you would be interested in entering in the above contest, if it existed. Just general interest, not a commitment by any means. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions.

Tbh any G5 love is good love. It honestly needs it. It has way too few fics atm, though I bet once the show comes out that’ll change.


We're working on them! Just give us time to get their personalities down better. I've only watched the movie five times after all.

Hmm I don't remember being able to pin this forum post. Did someone else do that? Much appreciated.

Group Admin

No problem! I just wanted to make sure that people visiting this group will see it :twilightsmile:

If you do end up starting a contest rn, people can also add their stories to the Hot Pony Summer contest I have going on right now. It's for nearly every kind of G5 story! Including Pipp stories!

Plus, I would really love to write an entry for your contest as Pipp is my favorite!

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