Izzy Moonbow 275 members · 416 stories
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Now I don’t think even for one second that Izzy is going to turn out to be trans in the G5 cannon, but, when you look at the set up of G5, and everyone but Sunny’s reaction to seeing a unicorn for the first time, it’s not too far a leap to draw parallels to how society still largely thinks of lgtb individuals (especially the T’s of that) so, while dealing with some gender dysphoria brought on by my transphobic father after he accidentally found out I was non-binary way before I was ready to let anyone Irl know, this idea came to me while watching all the early clips and songs.

*although as a fair warning, this story dose contain themes of transphobia and bullying, so some desecration is advice if either issue can be a bit much for yourself

TEquestria Girls, The New Generation, A New Girl
There’s a new girl at CHS, only, she’s not a normal girl….
TheOneAJ · 4.4k words  ·  34  33 · 1.1k views
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