Equestria Ninja Girls Clan 100 members · 91 stories
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Group Admin

Here you can have fun pitching quotes or ideas you have in mind with Equestria Ninjas and the Legend of the Purple Nightmares. Inspired by Marvel Studios' Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.

The Turtles, Rainbooms, and Allies help a friend of theirs confront the past he thought he left behind when when his father, Solid Stone, a.k.a. the leader of the Purple Nightmares, draws his son into a search for a mythical village.

Okay, so Hard-Stone took the role of the Mandarin, Fukushima will take the role of Death Dealer, and I guess the role of Razor Fist is taken by Night Terror.

Group Admin

Correct. Also, I am changing Stone’s name from Hardened Stone to Solid Stone.

Kim Possible, Ron Stoppable, and Yori will continue to search for Fukushima and also help Amethyst, The Ninjas, and Allies travel to the mystical village owned by Mistmane to deal with the Purple Nightmares.

Hey, might I suggest something... In Shang-Chi, there's a deleted scene of Katy getting a pep talk from Razor Fist.

So, I thought maybe you could add something like that to the story, not sure who plays who, because I know Night Terror isn't the pep-talking type of guy.

Group Admin

Yeah, that can work. I can have Sapphire Night, Sunset, and Twilight having a pep talk with Night Terror and his gang. They’re all villains except Sapphire, Sunset, and Twilight.

I also want to add two more deleted scene to the story. One is based on Wenwu sending the postcard to Shang-Chi at the tomb of Wenwu’s wife. The other is the family dinner and the revealation of Razor Fist being Shang-Chi’s adopted brother.

Who will inherit the role of the Dweller-in-Darkness? And will they be voiced by David Kaye?

Group Admin

Who is David Kaye? However, I have an idea of what the monster will look like inspired by the Dweller-in-Darkness and Lunala. It'll have tentacles as well.

The Alolan Legendary Pokémon of the Night?

The guy who voices Beast Wars Megatron.

Group Admin


Oh, okay. What does Beasts War Megatron sound like?

Group Admin

Okay. I can have the monster use telepathy to speak without moving its mouth.

Wait so in this universe, Night Terror is Solid Stone's adopted son? Making him Amethyst's adopted brother.

Group Admin

Something like that.

So, Amethyst and Night-terror are adopted brothers?

Then I guess family dinners are gonna be awkward. Lol

Group Admin

Yeah. A big family dinner with Team Possible and The Ninjas for now.

Group Admin






In an ancient temple, a sound of thunder clapped in the middle of night and in that temple was a young man named Amethyst Majesty was looking at the big, damaged, piece of wood. He placed his hand on it and balled up his fist to softly punch the wood.

In the bedroom of his house, Amethyst was shirtless and doing some push-ups.

Solid Stone: I gave you ten years to live out your life.

In the city, Amethyst was working at the cash register for his job at a comic book store. Hours later, he was at the mall, singing karaoke with Rarity and hanging out with his friends: Sapphire, Wallflower, Sunset and Flash. Also, Pinkie Pie took a selfie with Amethyst and Rarity.

Solid Stone: And where did that kept you?

Years ago in Amethyst’s childhood years, his father observed his son training while his trusted, general ninja hit Amethyst with a whip to make sure he was focused with his training. Years later, back in the temple, Amethyst punched the wood but with more force and anger into it.

Solid Stone: You walked in my shadow.

Before a young Amethyst was punching the wood rapidly fast, Amethyst was with his father at a casino and his father wrecked the table with a magical tool that looked like rings, slanged in his arms on each side. Back at the temple, Amethyst was sparring with a bunch of ninjas and took them down to impress his father.

Back to his normal teenage self, Amethyst slowly remembered the time he was shirtless during his training to withstand the pain as three ninjas used their bo staffs to hit Amethyst while his father watched from his window.

Solid Stone: So that the most dangerous people in the world, couldn’t kill you.

Amethyst, Wallflower, and Sapphire Night along with the Turtles and Rainbooms arrived in some kind of fighting tournament. A shirtless Amethyst was ready to fight in the tournament with his father’s cronies slowly watching from the shadows.

Solid Stone: Son, it’s time to take your place by my side.

Somewhere in an unknown location, Solid Stone confronted his son, the Rainbooms, and his son’s army as his rings started to glow, getting ready to fight. Stone also used his magical rings to show his sons and the Rainbooms its power.

In another scene, the glass started to break by itself, releasing water in slow motion while the heroes were in awe.

Amethyst Majesty: That’s not going to happen.

In an empty building in construction, a helicopter arrived with the general ninja looking down on Amethyst as the rest of his friends ran off while the ninja dived from the helicopter to fight Amethyst.

More fight scenes happened from different locations.

Back in the tournament, Amethyst was fighting against his opponent, Sky Slash.

Solid Stone: You can’t outrun, who you really are.

In the bus, Amethyst was also fighting off against another Night Terror with a sword in his hand along with three more henchmen. Also, he fended off against three simpletons who worked with his father and took them down with his martial arts. Plus, Sapphire and Wallflower were in shock.

Sapphire Night: Who are you?

Amethyst slowly get into his cool, fighting pose.

The bus suddenly crashed into an empty car with a garbage truck next to the bus.

Amethyst Majesty: Oh, god.

Wallflower: Hold on everybody!

As Rarity was about to fall, Amethyst rescued her just in time along with the other passengers. While the bus continued to crash into other empty cars, Wallflower screamed until the bus and the garbage truck suddenly stopped by Applejack as the rest of the Rainbooms arrived and the rest of the passengers all sighed in relief.

Wallflower: (smiles at the garbage truck driver) Sorry. We make a good team!

Ashame I don't have a EQNG OC persona

Group Admin

It is never too late to create a human OC.

Even if I could, what would he be to the others. Most of the time, I qualify as a lackey to the rest of you guys

Group Admin

A dependable character and a friend like Spike?

Yeah, I guess I can get behind that. How does Wrex Game sound?

Group Admin

Nah. How about Wrex? I like it though. Nothing fancy about it.

It's from Mass Effect. A character that is close friends with the Main Character

Group Admin

Okay. I did a little research and his full name is Urdnot Wrex. So, Wrex without the first name sounds good for your OC.

Thanks. What about weapons

Group Admin

I don’t know. That’s up to you.

How about a Sword and Baseball bat dual fighting

Group Admin

What about a shield and a sword? The baseball bat can be a secondary weapon though.

Sure. I guess my OC's loyalty is unquestionable

Is a crucifixion necklace too much or is it okay? I'm a Christian.

Group Admin

A necklace with a cross? Sure.

Thanks. I'm flexible on the clothing

Group Admin

You’re welcome. Your necklace means you have good faith.

Cool. So, what do I have to do next to make it official?

Group Admin

Draw your OC. It doesn’t have to be perfect.

I can't draw at all. I'm not an artist like you guys. I can't keep my hands steady

Group Admin

Okay. I understand.

Maybe the others could help

Well, for a scene, Amethyst, Sapphire, and Wallflower are on a bus, when some goons storm the bus and the driver get's knocked out. Amethyst and Sapphire fight off the goons while Wallflower has to drive and lose the cars carrying more goons. After they lose them, she discovers the breaks have been cut during the fight with the bladed goon. Fortunately, the Rainbooms arrive and Applejack uses her strength to stop the bus.

Group Admin

Great idea. Amethyst made his first friend, Sapphire Night, when he first enrolled in Canterlot High and he was happy that Sapphire found her special someone. As for Amethyst, he felt sad that he did not find his special someone (which obviously you know who I am talking about). That’s just a little backstory.

Mistmane will be Amethyst’s aunt that he never knew and she runs/protects a hidden and mystical village (similar to Ta Lo).

Team Possible and Yori will also be there in search for Fukushima. Plus, Juniper Lee and her gang will be there because they’re locked up in Solid Stone’s fortress after attempting to rescue a nine-tailed fox from Night Terror’s gang.

Group Admin

Karai: Did you go through it?

Amethyst Majesty: Honestly, no. It’s because I saw a vision of my mother before I was about to kill the murderer. I really wish I'd kill that murderer for crimes his gang did and the murder of my mother. I really wish that if my mother was here, none of this would be happening right now. I miss my mother everyday, hoping that she would be proud of who I am. But still, I am scared deep inside of me and I really don't know if I can defeat my father. He's too strong and too powerful. If this is how I am going to die by fighting against my father, then so be it. I am truly honored to be surrounded by my friends, the ones who really care about me the most.

:twilightsheepish: One typo, buddy.

Homestly, no. I really wish I'd kill that murderer for crimes his gang did and the murder of my mother.

Group Admin






Which design will look good for Fukushima? His costume is inspired by Taskmaster. However, I cannot codename him Fukushima; I need an new name for him.

Uh Amethyst, these designs look the same

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